Jeske Folie 1 THE SERVICES PROVIDER DIE PERSONALDIENSTLEISTER Jeske bbw – The Services Provider in Berlin and Brandenburg
Jeske Folie 3 THE SERVICES PROVIDER DIE PERSONALDIENSTLEISTER bbw The Services Provider bbw is a modern provider of across-the-board human resource and business development services. We offer a broad spectrum ranging from vocational tools to innovative workforce solutions.
Jeske Folie 4 THE SERVICES PROVIDER DIE PERSONALDIENSTLEISTER bbw Services and Qualification Programmes for Entrepreneurs Staffing and employment service Assessment and Recruiting Outplacement Employees Seminars and Vocational Training Unemployed Career Coaching and Qualification Young Adults Job orientation, Qualification and Internships
Jeske Folie 5 THE SERVICES PROVIDER DIE PERSONALDIENSTLEISTER bbw Facts and Figures bbw was founded in 1972 as Training Centre of the Confederation of Employers‘ and Business Associations of Berlin and Brandenburg Managing director: Klaus-Dieter Teufel 6 companies belonging to the bbw network with at present 18 locations About 450 employees Since 1998 Total Quality Management DIN EN ISO 9001 Today bbw is Berlin / Brandenburg‘s leading service and training provider
Jeske Folie 7 THE SERVICES PROVIDER DIE PERSONALDIENSTLEISTER bbw – International Projects Mobility Projects European Youth Experience Xenos EuroIngé 3 Mobility Module for Italian Students Transform Projects Seminars for Multipliers in the Field of Controlling Presidential Programme for Russian and Ukrainian Managers Pilot Projects Lean Services for Industrial and Services Competitiveness DEMU-LS Europe Support Actions for Change (finished in 2000) From Benchmarking to strategic training plan for SME (finished in 2001)
Jeske Folie 8 THE SERVICES PROVIDER DIE PERSONALDIENSTLEISTER International Projects I European Youth Experience Project for young people who have finished their professional education 1 month preparation in Berlin 11 months stay abroad Content: Language course, Professional skills, Internship Since participants At the moment: 74 participants in Turin, Barcelona, Lyon, Reggio Emilia, Bournemouth, Paris
Jeske Folie 9 THE SERVICES PROVIDER DIE PERSONALDIENSTLEISTER International Projects II Xenos-Mobility Project for apprentices during their professional education Content: 1 month practical Training in a company abroad or in Western part of Germany Xenos-Diversity Management Project for Company Staff Content: Seminars and Workshops in Diversity Management to improve Efficiency and Human Resources
Jeske Folie 10 THE SERVICES PROVIDER DIE PERSONALDIENSTLEISTER International Projects III Mobility Module for Italian Students (Modulo Transnationale) Project in Co-operation with CIS-Scuola Aziendale di Formazione Superiore One- week-stay in Berlin for University Students Content: Seminars, Workshops, Information Meetings, Company Visits Financing through CIS
Jeske Folie 11 THE SERVICES PROVIDER DIE PERSONALDIENSTLEISTER International Projects IV Seminars for Multipliers in the Field of Controlling Several Projects for Company Staff, Managers, Business Organisations, Teachers etc. In Poland In White Russia (Minsk) In Ukraine (Kiev) Content Market oriented qualification in the Domain of Controlling Participants shell be enabled to implement their Knowledge in Companies and to develop their own Qualification Offers and Corresponding Concepts and to teach it Financing: Transform Programme
Jeske Folie 12 THE SERVICES PROVIDER DIE PERSONALDIENSTLEISTER International Projects V Presidential Programme for Russian and Ukrainian Managers Project in Co-operation with the Baden- Württemberg Agency for International Economic Cooperation and Employer‘s Associations in Baden-Württemberg and Saxony Content: Organisation of 1 to 3 Months stay in Germany Seminars, Workshops, Company Visits, Information Meetings 2 months trainings in companies Financing: Transform Programme
Jeske Folie 13 THE SERVICES PROVIDER DIE PERSONALDIENSTLEISTER International Projects VI Permanent transnational Projects Deutsch-Polnische Bildungsstiftung der Wirtschaft (German-Polish Educational Foundation of Trade and Industry) The foundation is engaged in the sponsoring of education, the understanding between nations and, in particular, the dissemination, realization and support of cooperation in the areas of education, trade and industry, the sciences, as well as culture between the German and Polish societies. Deutsch-Polnische Jugendfabrik (German-Polish Youth Factory) in Frankfurt / Oder
Jeske Folie 14 THE SERVICES PROVIDER DIE PERSONALDIENSTLEISTER bACCUS - Our recently founded Network Members: bbw + uvb Berlin AMMA / Skillab, Torino CEFORALP, Lyon CIS Scuola Aziendale di Formatione Superiore, Reggio Emilia UPM Union Patronal Metalurgica, Barcelona S.I.A.V. S.C.AR.L. Industriali Veneto, Mestre
Jeske Folie 15 THE SERVICES PROVIDER DIE PERSONALDIENSTLEISTER bbw‘s Meeting place bbw Kommunikationszentrum in Hubertusstock Exciting modern Architecture and Nature‘s Beauty at one place