F i r s t I n t e r n a t i o n a l W o r k s h o p DESIGN OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES USING EN September 2010, Prague, Czech Republic Concrete design is both an art and science. With the new knowledge, new technology and novel materials, the codes are becoming more complex and the computer-aided design is the necessity for designing and detailing of reinforced concrete members. The current European practice in structural engineering tends more and more to accepting the benefits to be gained from using the Eurocodes for design of structures. This First International Workshop focuses on the application of EN , since this standard has been introduced and accepted as the national standard in many European countries and there already are some practical experiences with its use. The Organizing Committee expects a creative discussion which will continue after the Workshop on the following subjects: Background of EN , Main features in National Annex, Experiences with National Annex, Experiences with practical design, Tables, charts and aids for design of concrete structures, Proposals of major changes for the next revision of standard. The workshop topics will be upgraded on the applicant’s demand. Recognized experts and specialists in design of concrete structure from all over Europe will participate, thus offering a unique opportunity to share their experience and acquired knowledge. 15 February 2010 – Submission of Abstracts 15 March 2010 – Acceptance of Abstracts 15 June 2010 – Submission of Full Papers 15 July 2010 – Reservation of Accommodation – Early Registration Authors are invited to submit 100-word abstract related to the workshop subject by 15 February The call for papers and the preliminary registration form for workshop are enclosed or you can find it on the website of the workshop. We ask for the original papers with new information and/or advanced knowledge. All papers of those authors who pay the workshop fee by 15 June 2010 will be published in the proceedings. For more details, please, visit the website of the workshop or contact us. Website of Conference: Introduction Call for Papers Important Deadlines The workshop is organized in cooperation with the Technical University in Vienna, Austria, and Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia. It is anticipated that the next Workshops will be held in Slovakia and in Austria.
Arrietta José M. (Spain) Balázs György L. (Hungary) Benko Vladimír (Austria) Biasioli Francesco (Italy) Bouchon Emannuel (France) Corres Hugo (Spain) Cortade Jacques (France) Fardis Michael (Greece) Fillo Ludovít (Slovakia) Fingerloos Frank (Germany) Gijsbers F. B. Jan (The Netherlands) Halvonik Jaroslav (Slovakia) Jones Tony (United Kingdom) Kohoutková Alena (Czech Republic) Kolbitsch Andreas (Austria) Leivestad Steinar (Norway) Mancini Giuseppe (Italy) – chairman Narayanan R.S. (UK) Pinto Artur V. (Italy) Potucek Walter (Austria) Procházka Jaroslav (Czech Republic) Štepánek Petr (Czech Republic) Taerwe Luc (Belgium) Tikanoja Timo (Finland) Varum Humberto A. (Italy) Vítek Jan L. (Czech Republic) Walraven Joost C. (The Netherlands) Westerberg Bo (Sweden) Zilch Konrad (Germany) Broukalová Iva Dvorský Tomáš Frantová Michaela Němcová Terézia – conference secretariat Procházka Jaroslav – garant of workshop Šrůma Vlastimil Štefan Radek Štemberk Petr Vytlačilová Vladimíra DCS 2010 Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Civil Engineering Department of Concrete and Masonry Structures Thákurova 7, Prague, Czech Republic Tel.: , Fax: Website: The official language of the workshop is English. Simultaneous interpretation (English Czech) will be provided. Detailed information will be in the final announcement and on the website of the workshop. The information about booking of the accommodation will be in the final announcement and on the website. The conference will take place at Campus of CTU in Prague, Dejvice. Venue Language Accommodation Workshop Fee Contact – Scientific Secretariat Organized by In Co-operation with Organizing Committee Scientific Committee SLOVAK UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY IN BRATISLAVA Faculty of Civil Engineering