10.3 : Quotation Marks & Italics By : Bryce, Hannah, Sarah, Spencer, Michael, Jamie
Quotation Marks Are used before and after direct quotations ex. “I’m hungry!” exclaimed Gregory. Are used around the parts of divided quotation ex. “I want to go to bed,” said Paco, “and I want to now!”
Sometimes a quotation includes another quotation. The quotation is marked with one quotation mark. ex. “I think that Maria said ‘I will go buy a dress for you’.” You should not use quotation marks for an indirect quotation. ex. He told me to go to the store. Quotation Marks
They are used to set off the titles of stories, poems, songs, magazine and newspaper articles, individual episodes for television series, and radio programs. ex. I really feel like singing “Don’t Stop Believing.” Quotation Marks
Quotation Marks Review Phil asked me if I could tell him my secret. Singing in the Rain is my favorite song. Now, Hilga said, is the time to eat ice cream. Joe asked Who said Wherefore art thou Romeo?
Italics Italics are used for the title of books, magazines, newspapers, movies, TV series, and works of art and for the names of ships and aircrafts. ex. I read the New York Times every day. ***If you are not typing, underline instead of using italics!***
Italics Review Have you read Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban? The S.S. Arizona was sunk during the invasion of Pearl Harbor.