Fuel Cell Modelling NPRE 498 ES
V-I equation v = E thermo -r]act -r]ohmic -r]conc where v = operating voltage of fuel cell Ethermo = thermodynamically predicted voltage of fuel cell r1act = activation losses due to reaction kinetics r10hmic = ohmic losses from ionic and electronic resistance r1conc = concentration losses due to mass transport V = E therrno -(a A +b A In j) -(a e +b e In j) -(j ASR ohmic ) -(c Inj l /(j l -j)
terms where r1act = (a A +b A In j) +(a e +b e In j): activation losses from both anode (A) and the cathode (C) based on natural logarithm form of the Tafel Equation r10hmic = j ASRohmic: ohmic resistance loss based on current density and ASR r1conc = C Inj L / (j L -j)]: combined fuel cell concentration loss, where c is an empirical constant
Sketch of VI curve components