Proposed collaboration between the Reference Sites Collaborative Network (RSCN) and the EMPATHIE network on patient empowerment Dr David Somekh, Network Director, European Health Futures Forum At the Office of the Northern Ireland Executive, Brussels Chausee d’Etterbeek 180: Monday afternoon Dec. 1 st 2014
Why patient empowerment?
The link between technology and empowerment is clear Isn’t it?
Dr Google……
Information is everything….
New ways of doing things…..
Making the world a better place….
This initiative aims to provide added value from the RSCN By collaborating with an established network of expertise in patient empowerment (EMPATHIE), which is already embedded in the EIP activity, patient empowerment can be established as a cross-cutting theme across the RSCN The same process is being explored through the synergies group which involves representatives of the six Action areas.
EMPATHIE? EMpowering PATients In Europe an informal network of European NGOs, academic institutions, patient representative groups, policy interests and expert individuals (so far 20 members and growing) constituted January Joined the EIP in B3, Spring 2013 Successfully bid for two SANCO tenders during 2013/4, one just completed on self-management in chronic diseases (acronym also EMPATHIE) and one just started, on self-care in minor conditions (PiSCE ).
Proposal: that a pilot group from the RSCN work with the EMPATHIE network to determine the most effective means to set up patient empowerment as a cross-cutting theme for the RSCN Suggestion: its not as straight forward as it seems…..!
Elements of patient empowerment Health literacy Shared decision-making Self-management Key related issues: Integrated care Training of health professionals in communication skills Transferability of good practice Other systems barriers e.g. interoperability, data protection etc. Better information on quality of care (e.g. process and outcome indicators)
Are we communicating?
Of course we’re listening….
We’re communicating…
We’re offering choices….
And of course we’re highly motivated to do so…
Even though it isn’t a straightforward task the RSCN potentially stands at the leading edge of healthcare innovation given context is such an important aspect of ‘scaling up’ of good practice, the innovative strength of the Collaborative should mean that it represents an environment with less resistance to and more open-ness to change it can provide a bottom-up complementary element to central policy initiatives in this field
Thank you for your attention!
Those who say it can not be done should not interrupt those who are doing it Old Chinese Proverb