“ I liked math. Writing undoubtedly less so, let alone drawing.”
What do students need to learn? What do students want to learn?
*Overarching Concept *Brainstorm Ideas *Connect
Greensboro, North Carolina, USASopron, Hungary
View Centropa film So That Memory Doesn’t Die Discuss how the blueberry pirogues became a link to Teofila’s family Class discussion on food associations within individual families Student creates a page about his/her own family and a page featuring a favorite family recipe Free Advice: do it online and forget about the physical making of a book!
Centropa Film: Love on a Paper Airplane View the Movie and Discuss Introduce Imre Kinszki’s work Use Text from Judit Kinszki’s Interview Invent graphic design Add message to ??? Fold into airplane & fly! _______________________
View Survival in Sarajevo Discuss importance of maintaining mail delivery Create a postcard with themes from film Write message on back and address to intended recipients
My experience meeting my pen pal Balázs has been wonderful. He has become a friend to me, and I enjoy speaking to him as often as possible. When he first contacted me, we immediately started talking about our cultures and the societies we live in. It was the most fascinating thing. I learned how he was Jewish and how not many Jewish people lived in his town of Sopron, Hungary, and that they still experience discrimination. And I told him about America and how we still too, have many improvements to make. We have discussed over the months worldly things, politics, people, literature, foods, and it has been a really great experience so far. I am glad to have connected with my pen pal this well. The pen pal experience has been the most notable thing I have done in high school, and something I will definitely continue. As Balázs and I are still friends today. :)