University of Wisconsin Hospital & Clinics Database / environment refresh steps
PS Environment PeopleSoft Financials 9 PeopleSoft Human Resources 8.9 Upgrade in progress from HR 8.9 to 9.1
Oracle Environment Oracle running on AIX 5.3 Oracle RMAN repository and console
PS Technical Process schedulers on both Windows and AIX Application servers on Windows WebLogic web server on Windows PeopleTools 8.46 PeopleTools 8.50
Standards Server naming standards Database naming standards
Cloning Overview Initiated by developers On demand, not on a schedule Takes about 2 hours
Cloning Steps Source -> Target Shut down target Application Servers and Process Schedulers Run a job in the OEM console Delete caches Start up target Application Servers and Process Schedulers Test and notify
Cloning Step – AS & PS Shut down target Application Servers and Process Schedulers This is a manual step. Log in to the target machines and stop the services. It is possible it could be automated, but we have not automated it
Cloning Step – OEM Console Run a job in the OEM Console If the source database does not have a current RMAN backup, you will need to perform a backup now. Most of our clones have the source databases as our production database, which means we can clone at any time without performing a backup first.
Cloning Step – OEM Console Make sure the database backup files are present.
Cloning Step – OEM Console Submit the clone job to the console
Cloning Script Overview 1.Validate parameters (target not production) 2.Blackout the target database using emctl 3.Bounce the target database 4.Attempt to perform an archivelog change 5.Create the command line 6.Run the script 7.Check the log for errors and results 8.End the blackout
Cloning Script
Post Clone Script This “post clone script” is where all of the customized SQL code gets run There is a separate “post clone script” for each target
Post Clone Script
Manual Steps Up to this point, everything has been run as part of a script. Now we start the manual steps.
Manual Steps Change the SYSADM password in the target database. Log on to datamover in bootstrap mode Log in as sysadm and the source database’s sysadm password. Run the script: CHANGE_ACCESS_PASSWORD SYSADM
Manual Steps Start the Application Server and Process Schedulers on the target database Test the new infrastructure –Log in –Submit jobs to the process schedulers –Interfaces
Manual Steps Notify the developers
Web Site Scripts and these PowerPoint slides are available on our OAUG PeopleSoft Technology SIG web site