Lesson 5.3 – The Mission Statement
LESSON 5.3 The Marketing Plan 1. What business are we currently in? 2. Who are our current customers? 3. What is the scope of our market? 4. How do we currently meet the needs of our customers? The Mission Statement Many organizational marketing strategies are founded on the basis of the mission statement content
LESSON 5.3 The Marketing Plan The mission statement should be shared and supported by organization’s employees The mission statement should explain why the organization exists and what it hopes to achieve The Mission Statement EFFECTIVE MISSION STATEMENTS
LESSON 5.3 The Marketing Plan “Olympic marketing helps perpetuate the work of the Olympic Movement, by providing resources, programmes and financial support. All programmes and actions of a partner should be designed to enhance and protect the Olympic image and Olympic values.” Mission Statement: EXAMPLE International Olympic Committee marketing commission
LESSON 5.3 The Marketing Plan “The International Skateboarding Federation (ISF) is formally organized and incorporated as Skateboarding’s International Federation and World Governing Body. The ISF has been established to provide direction and governance for the sport of skateboarding worldwide; The ISF’s goals include but are not limited to: * To make skateboarding available to everyone in the world who wishes to participate. Mission Statement: Mission statement of the International Skateboarding Federation
LESSON 5.3 The Marketing Plan * To guarantee skateboarding continues to provide the freedom of self-expression and creativity, * To promote and support the sport of skateboarding in order to guarantee its future, * To continue to maintain the integrity and authenticity of skateboarding as a sport, a passion and a lifestyle, * and to apply these rules of governance in a fair and equitable way, and to do so through the leadership and expertise of the skateboarding family world-wide” Mission Statement: Mission statement of the International Skateboarding Federation
LESSON 5.3 The Marketing Plan “The Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF) inspires and empowers people affected by cancer. We help people with cancer focus on living; we believe that unity is strength, knowledge is power and attitude is everything. From the moment of diagnosis, the LAF provides the practical information and tools people with cancer need to live life on their own terms.” Lance Armstrong Foundation Mission Statement: Lance Armstrong Foundation
The Marketing Plan LESSON 5.3 REVIEW (ANSWERS) 1)Successfully compose a mission statement The mission statement should address the following questions: What business are we currently in? Who are our current customers? What is the scope of our market? How do we currently meet the needs of our customers?