Planning for Emergencies
Producing and Incident Response Plan –The Emergency Response Plan will need to Consider: Training & Practices Recognition of Risk Situations Materials to Deal With Spills Plans Environmental Hazards Associated With Fire Liaison With Regulatory Bodies Handling The Press and Other Media
Emergency Control Centre –Major Considerations Suitability of Structure and Location, separate from buildings and process plant, toxic gases, fires Layout of the control room and arrangement of panels, VDU’s etc. for ergonomics Lighting Communication Welfare Supplies
Training and Practices –Training should Include Awareness of potential harm from substances on site Awareness of the sensitivity of the environment surrounding the facility Use and limitations of PPE Reporting procedures for contacting relevant Agency/Water authority if there is a risk of pollution Clean-up, safe handling and legal disposal of contaminated materials and wastes Arrangements for the use of specialists contractors and services The appropriate decontamination or legal disposal of contaminated land
Environmental Aspect / Impact Analysis Recognise Risk Situations –Group Discussion Reasons for Review –Incidents such as near-miss –Incidents by a third party –Changes are proposed or made to a work process/activity/Substance –Changes are made or proposed to a workplace –Changes to numbers or types of people –Legislation Changes –Elapse of time
Material to Deal With Spills Various Types of Product to Contain Spills: –Sand and Earth – oils and chemicals –Proprietary Absorbents – target specific and very absorbent –Sealing Devices and Substances for Damaged Containers – Pad or Clamp placed over damaged area. Leak sealing putties are also available –Drain Seals – Designed to seal a drainage grid by covering or blocking drain –Booms – Absorbent booms are filled with absorbent materials which can be suitable for hydrocarbons, aqueous chemicals or both. Plastic physical barrier booms can be inflated with air or water
Procedures for Containment of Fire Fighting Run Off Two Main Types of Containment - Consider topography, sensitivity, permeability, watercourses and bore holes –Primary – the vessel or tank –Secondary – local and remote Remote and Local Containment –Containment Lagoons, Sacrificial Areas, Bunding of Carparks, Pits and Trenches, Portable Tanks Access to Site Plans in case of Emergency –Site plans and procedures, Contact list, Site drainage plan, Inventory of materials
Environmental Hazards Associated With Fire Pollutants escape to water eco-system via, watercourses, land, and sewers Toxic and Corrosive smoke fall to ground in rain water Smoke –Carbon Monoxide - odourless and invisible asphixiant –Carbon Dioxide - odourless and invisible asphixiant