Group Members: John Ziegler Richard Wismer III Ryan Ramdehol Wojciech Gajda
Overview I. Problem Statement II. Microelectronics III. The ZigBee Standard IV. Client & User Objectives V. Functions of ZigBee headphones VI. Alternative Designs VII. Bluetooth VIII. Final Design IX. Highlights of Outcomes X. Features of Final Design XI. Headphone Module XII. Conclusion
Problem Statement Modern wireless headphones are bulky and uncomfortable Bluetooth is the current standard for data transmission which is expensive and has high power consumption
Microelectronics The signal will be modified by being compressed, transmitted, received, filtered and amplified A transceiver is needed for signal handling Class D Amplifier Efficient for power and sized well Filter Specification Band Pass Configuration between 20Hz and 20kHz
The ZigBee Wireless Standard A wireless Networking standard based (IEEE ) technology designed for low-power and low cost specifications Global: 2.4GHz 250Kbs ; 16 channels The Americas: 915MHz 40Kbs ; 10 channels Europe: 868MHz 20Kbs ; 1 channel Mesh networking: secure, self sustaining, self configuring, self healing system low power nodes Wireless range 10 meters
Client & User Objectives Client High profit margin Marketable product Reliable Customer Support from Manufacturer User Headphones with good sound quality Usability Long battery life Appropriate pricing
Functions of ZigBee Headphones Technical functions Attenuate Compress Transmit Receive Filter Decompress Amplify Functions to the End User Deliver reliable sound from an audio device to headphones wirelessly
Alternative Designs Using a different data transmission/network protocol such as Bluetooth Bluetooth requires a larger housing to operate Has a higher power drain on the device being operated Higher range Larger transfer rate
Bluetooth – Additional Information Bluetooth was created in Sweden and is not a company its a non profit organization Bluetooth works using a set of universal protocols rearranged into different profiles ex. File Transfer Profile (FTP). Currently 28 profiles Bluetooth uses AFH (Adaptive Frequency Hoping ) to communicate with other Bluetooth devices.
Final Design The ZigBee protocol was the final choice for the wireless transmitting standard for audio. Cheaper Lower power consumption Range will work for our application Smaller
Highlights of the Evaluation Procedure and Outcomes The ZigBee networking standard is cheaper to implement than Bluetooth because it has a lower power requirement to work. Transfer rate of ZigBee: 250 kbps Will have to perform signal manipulation in order to implement the Zigbee Standard
Features of Final Design
Headphone Module
Conclusion The ZigBee wireless protocol for the use of short range headphones is ideal when compared to Bluetooth Low power consumption with a lower transfer rate is better than Bluetooth Overall, the ZigBee wireless standard is a promising prospect for other design teams.