GEOSAF-Meeting F. Boissier, S. Voinis, S. Barlow Operational Safety- IGSC Expert Group on Operational Safety (EG-OS) DMR/DIR/ May 2014, Vienna
Mandate of the EG-OS Mandate approved in March 2013 at the RWMC -46 A two- years duration mandate renewable at the discretion of the IGSC. Overall, the group members representatives from : waste management agencies, regulatory authorities, technical support organizations, research and development institutions with hands-on experience or working towards that goal in relatively short time scales, IAEA invited as observer in the group, as well as the leaders of other international projects. jj mm aaaa DMR/DIR/
EG-OS 1st annual meeting Held on June 24, 2013, in Paris; 13 participants from 10 national and international organizations Elected Chair: Fabrice Boissier, Andra; Vice-Chair: Wilhelm Bollingerfehr, DBE jj mm aaaa DMR/DIR/
EG-OS 1st annual meeting The following areas were discussed in the 1 st meeting: Regulatory aspects of DGR operation and construction in different national programmes Experience on radiation dose and radiation protection Transportation, emplacement and operational and construction safety Knowledge transfer The EG-OS has adopted the following work activities in the PoW: Fire risk management (prevention and mitigation, risk assessment) An NEA “hazard” database Ventilation in underground facilities Co-activity hazard Waste acceptance criteria jj mm aaaa DMR/DIR/
Key outcomes of the 1 st EG-OS meeting Fire risk: “EG-OS agreed that expert exchanges on fire risk will continue by a group of implementers jj mm aaaa DMR/DIR/ “Hazard” database: EG-OS members to provide their list of operational hazards some already received The Secretariat is also researching existing international “hazard” databases, in particular those developed for nuclear facilities Ventilation: A meeting among the expert group of implementers is currently being planned for by the Secretariat, to be held late 2013 or early
Key outcomes of the 1 st EG-OS meeting Hazards in co-activities: A questionnaire, drafted by Andra, has been distributed to seek more detailed inputs from members Some responses already received jj mm aaaa DMR/DIR/ Waste acceptance criteria: EG-OS has decided to leave this task out until more work in design basis accident is performed Regulations Most countries do not have specific regulation for construction and operation of a DGR Importance of identifying gaps between implementers Need of clear regulatory framework and expectations of regulators Implementers shall express the key areas where clarifications of regulatory framework are needed to NEA 6
National waste management organizations are more or less advanced in their fire studies development. Most participants consider operational experience from the mining industries relevant and valuable in developing fire protection plan for a DGR. Many programs develop their fire protection plan using similar defense-in-depth principles: (i) prevent abnormal situations - limiting flammables (ii) prevent degradation – early detection, fight fire as soon as possible (iii) minimize damage – preventing fire spread Key outcomes of the Fire Experts meeting jj mm aaaa DMR/DIR/
Different fire protection system designs are noted in different countries. E.g. Canada uses water to fight fire in above-ground facilities and no water will be used underground Fire fighting equipment depends on waste types Topics that were pointed out : Ventilation system design and their functions in a fire Emergency measures – essential features of refuge stations & evacuation protocols Design basis scenarios – assumptions used in scenarios; fire modeling, behavior of waste Develop common fire protection standards / approaches, e.g. adopt similar fire door design requirements. Two Fire Experts meetings IGSC _15 - October 10, 2013 Paris (France) XXX/YY/AA-NNNN