ETSI M2M / TIA architecture harmonization next steps
Way forward on harmonization TIA TR50.1 architecture considers the need for multiple interconnected gateways as important aspect of the architecture to account for e.g. Smart Grid deployments TIA TR50.1 identifies the need for a convergence layer as a means to hide network specificities Intermediate node would connect multiple smart devices and intermediate nodes. ETSI consider the M2M service platform as separate from the Application Server (common agreement on this) Next steps: – discussion over the joint mailing list (Paul Russell to trigger a way forward discussion) – discussion on definitions (Mitch to trigger discussion on definitions alignment) –June 7 th conf. call (2 and ½) (decide for date and venue for the F2F meeting taking into account the current progress)
Meeting notes – 11May2011 (1 of 2) Smart Devices in TR50 are equivalent to a G & D in ETSI M2M –ETSI M2M G is distinguished from a D by the support for external D’ devices via a dIa ETSI M2M clarifications/definitions –SCL = Service Capability Layer –mIa = m2m reference point between SCL & Network Application –mId = m2m reference point between devices (SCL to SCL) Rel. 1 mainly between Network SCL & Device or Gateway SCL –dIa = reference point between device application and SCL (internal or external in case of D’) TR50 clarifications / definitions –Intermediate Node = is a data collection / aggregation point. Has a connection to a smart device and the application within the intermediate node can act on the data. Action for TR50 to provide a definition for Intermediate node that has the functionality that is required for comparison between ETSI M2M architecture. –Application Server Action for TR50 to provide a definition for Application Server that has the functionality that is required for comparison between ETSI M2M architecture. –AAA should be replaced by SDC-AA (Smart Device Controller) The AAA is at the application layer and should provide credentials before allowing access to the Application Server, etc.
Meeting notes – 11May2011 (2 of 2) Action: –A simple use case illustrating what security is required. Maybe use Mitch/Peter example and then identify where security is required. Meeting attendees: –Representing ETSI: Barbara Pareglio (E///) Omar Elloumi (ALU) Josef Blanz (Qualcomm) Jingyi Zhou (Verizon) Paul Russell (InterDigital) –Representing TR50: Larry LaPorte (Sprint) Mitch Tseng (Huawei) Peter Nurse (Sigma Delta) Alain Louchez (Numerex) Eric Barnhart (Georgia Tech) Cheryl Blum (TIA) Pierre Truong (Ericsson) Richard Wu ((NSN) Scott Marin (NSN) Yonggang Fang