Workshop on EU Air Quality Policy and the use of Economic Instruments for Sustainable Urban Transport Development October 2014 (Chișinău, Moldova) Air Quality Governance in the ENPI East Countries Economic Tools for Policy makers for stimulating environmental behaviour
Content 2 International tools European tools Available instruments Recommendations on appropriate incentives use
International tools 3 Flexibility mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol World Bank –The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) –The International Development Association (IDA) –The International Finance Corporation (IFC) –The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) –The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) Global Environment Facility Special Climate Change Fund
European tools 1(3) 4 EU Emission Trading System NER 300 LIFE + Intelligent Energy Europe Seventh Framework Programme The EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS)
European tools 2(3) 5 EU Ecolabel Green Public Procurement IMPEL European Investment Bank (EIB) EuropeAid Structural Funds
European tools 3(3) 6 Mobility Week –An annual campaign on sustainable urban mobility with the political and financial support of the Directorates-General for the Environment and Transport of the European Commission –It runs every year from 16 through 22 September –Informative events, implementing permanent measures –Award for the best local authority –The closing event of the week is entitled “In Town Without My Car!”
7 Administrative Extended permits for less polluting activities in the framework of industrial pollution permitting system Reduced inspection frequency for less polluting activities in the framework of industrial pollution permitting system Instruments available to business
8 Economic and fiscal 1(3) Reduced charges for less polluting activities and/or increased charges/taxes/levies for especially polluting activities Special loan and grant programme for establishing environment-friendly businesses or introduction of innovative environmental technologies Preferred status for environment friendly undertakings/undertakings using less polluting technologies etc. in public procurement procedures (i.e. green public procurement) Reduced insurance rates for environment friendly undertakings and technologies Instruments available to business
9 Economic and fiscal 2(3) Funding schemes for introduction of green technologies, establishment and/or operation of environment friendly businesses Free business support services for environment friendly undertakings Voluntary sectoral agreements between government (regions, local authorities) and operators Development of Good agricultural practice guide Development of Green Industry Guide Participation in Kyoto flexibility mechanisms Instruments available to business
10 Economic and fiscal 3(3) Support from The World Bank Support from Global Environment Facility (GEF) Support from Special Climate Change Fund Support from European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Support from European Investment Bank (EIB) Instruments available to business
11 Reputational Sustainability index scheme or equivalent voluntary mechanism indicating (or awarding) sustainable (environment-friendly) behaviour of the company, where general public can freely access information on participating companies’ sustainability index Eco-labelling scheme Environmental management scheme (e.g. ISO 14001) Organization of Green Week/events ensuring possibility for undertakings to take active part (incl. regional and local environmental events and ensuring involvement of regional and local authorities in organizations of such events) Instruments available to business
12 Sophisticated informational campaigns oriented on resource efficiency, sustainable consumption, energy saving and environmental-friendly behaviour in general Organization of Green events (e.g., Green Mobility, Big Clean-up, Earth Hour), as well as introduction of sustainability principles in other events (e.g. festivals, concerts) Designation of low emission zones Financial aid to households Development of green mobility supporting infrastructure Popularization of “ecodriving” Impelling fiscal policy Promotion of healthy diet and local food Promotion of installation of thermostats Instruments available to individuals
13 for business 1(2) Eco-labelling scheme Extended permits for less polluting activities Reduced inspection frequency for less polluting activities Reduced charges for less polluting activities and products Zero interest loan for implementation of “green” projects Green public procurement Reduced insurance rates for environment friendly undertakings and technologies Recommendations on incentive instruments
14 for business 2(2) Funding schemes (i.e. investment cost subsidies) for introduction of green technologies, establishment and/or operation of environment friendly businesses Free business support services for environment friendly undertakings Voluntary sectoral agreements Development of Good agricultural practice guide Development of Green Industry Guide Participation in Kyoto flexibility mechanisms Support from European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Recommendations on incentive instruments
15 for individuals Informational campaigns “Green” events Low emission zones Financial aid to households Green mobility supporting infrastructure Popularization of “ecodriving” Impelling fiscal policy Promotion of healthy diet and local food Promotion of installation of thermostats Recommendations on incentive instruments
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