Composting Workshop One Simple Act
In Alberta, what material makes up the majority of household waste? A: Organics/Yard Waste B: Beverage Containers C: Paper
The average Albertan disposes 289 kg of residential waste every year
Composting Recycling organic materials
Images courtesy Dr. Riley Kinman, University of Cincinnati
What happens to organics at a landfill site?
Greens Browns Water Soil
5 cm of twigs 5-10 cm dried browns Wet the pile 5-10 cm Greens Shovel of soil Repeat until no more material
“Composting Bins You Can Build”
Mix often to speed the process “The more effort you put in the more compost you’ll get out” Continue Layering Add moisture as needed Save your browns!
When is my compost ready to use? Uses Mulch Compost Tea Add to potted plants Add to garden soil or spread around trees
Nutrient rich soil enhancer Holds moisture Saves money
SymptomProblemSolution Smells like eggsToo much moistureAdd dry ingredients Too compact not enough airMix often Smells like ammoniaToo much Nitrogen (green)Add more browns (carbon) and mix Process is slow (compost can take anywhere from 3-12mths) Not enough surface areaShred or break organics in to smaller pieces (less than 20-25cm) Critters are interested in my compost Wrong material has been addedDon’t add any grains, cooked meat or bones Organic are exposedMake sure food is covered with soil or a layer of brown Winter is coming – Process has slowed or stopped Temperature is too coldContinue to add to your compost bin. If bin is full start a new bin or store materials. Process will begin again in the spring.
Vermicomposting Grasscycling
If a worm is cut in half both parts will grow back. Worms have teeth. Worms cannot see. Worms have blood.
Compost year round Castings make an excellent soil conditioner Limited space Educational experience Diverts waste from the landfill
The Container
The Bedding
The Worms Eisentia fetida
“You have too many worms when more than one-fifth of your bin is worms”
Build a Vermicompost Bin
RegularlyIn Moderation
Weekly Mark areaMonitor Cover
Migration Method Cone Method Easy Method
“My compost smells awful!” “I have a fruit fly infestation” “My pile is sopping wet!” “I have moldy food in my vermicompost bin”