Majors in Environmental Sciences at UCSB Geography - Earth System Science Oceanography Atmospheric Science/Meteorology Climatology Hydrology Soil Science Remote Sensing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Careers – Education, research, private industry (e.g., consulting), engineering applications, NOAA, foundations, advocacy (NGO’s…), NOAA corps, USCG, US Navy, etc.
Majors in Environmental Sciences at UCSB Earth Science - Geology Oceanography Climatology Petrology Sedimentology Paleontology Mineralogy History of Life Seismology Engineering Geology Careers – Education, research, private industry (e.g., oil, environ), consulting, engineering applications, USGS, NOAA, NASA, foundations, advocacy (NGO’s…), NOAA corps, USCG, US Navy, etc.
Majors in Environmental Sciences at UCSB Environmental Studies - Environmental ecology Environ. Issues, policy, management Energy and the environment Soil science Disease and the environment Coastal Law and Policy Environmental Law Toxics in the environment California wildlands Biodiversity Environmental economics Careers – Education, research, private industry, policymaking, management, consulting, engineering applications, NOAA, NASA, advocacy NGOs. foundations, advocacy (NGO’s…), NOAA corps, USCG, US Navy, etc.
Majors in Environmental Sciences at UCSB Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology – Botany Marine conservation Evolution Biodiversity Biology of fishes Zoology Genetics Ecology Biogeochemistry Marine biology Coral reefs Marine pharmacology Careers – Education, research, private industry, policymaking, management, consulting, engineering applications, NOAA, NASA, NMFS, advocacy (NGOs).