Choosing a Major To Declare or Not to Declare… That is the Question
How Important is it to declare? Let’s take a look at the following news sources and see what trends they are reporting: New York Times US News Washington Post
Your College Major May Not Be As Important As You Think 11/3/2010 by Zac Bissonnet Most People will graduate with higher GPA’s if they study something they are passionate about. There is a disconnect between student’s perceptions of what employers want and what employers are looking for. Transferability of Skills. Majoring in something that interests you is just the obvious thing to do.
When Do I Need To Choose a Major? 5/25/2011 By UNIGO Liberal arts colleges and programs love the undecided. Nancy Melslahn, Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, Wesleyan Univ. Most college students declare their major toward the end of their sophomore year of college. Eric Furda, Dean of Admissions, University of Pennsylvania You should be aware that when you commit to a major on your application, college will pay particular attention to your grades in the academic areas most associated with that major. Don Fraser, Director of Education and Training, NACAC Most estimates say 80 percent of college students will change majors at least once. Ralph Figueroa, Director of College Guidance, Albuquerque Academy
Choosing a Major In College: Do parents get a say? 1/12/2012 by Janice D’Arcy “In my day, we could go to college, get a liberal-arts education, major in English, Philosophy or even Latina and be able to get a job. That is not the case in the world today. I know a young man who got a PhD in Philosophy from a top school and couldn’t get a permanent job until he graduated from law school.” Susan Ende, Co-Author of “How To Raise Your Adult Children.” Be Realistic When Choosing a Major. Choose a Major that will lead to a job or the ability to get into a graduate program that will lead to a job,
Choosing One College Major Out of Hundreds – Major Decisions 11/2/2012 by Cecilia Capuzzi Simon Graduating with a double major, minor or concentration to help a student land a job in an uncertain job market has become popular. At Penn State it was reported that 80% of freshman – even those who have declared a major-say they are uncertain about their major, and half will change their minds after they declare. Most employers are looking for transferable skills – the ability to problem solve, work in teams, write and communicate, and think critically, says Ms. Collier of SUNY New Paltz Find a major that makes you intellectually engaged, that expands your brain and deepens your understanding of the world. Add in an internship experience for on the job training that will give you professional direction, job-related skills and work experience and you have a good combination of experience.
Two Views of Where the Money is at!
The 11 Most Valuable Majors 5/15/ Biomedical Engineering 2. Biochemistry 3. Computer Science 4. Software Engineering 5. Environmental Engineering 6. Civil Engineering 7. Petroleum Engineering 8. Applied Math 9. Mathematics 10. Physics 11. Statistics
The Importance of Choosing the Right College Major 2012 by Scott Rosen Majors That Will Help You Land A Solid Job Mathematics and Statistics Majors Hard Science Majors Computers and Information Technology Business Administration
Where To Begin Factors to Consider Start thinking about future goals – what is your dream?
Ask Yourself “Big Picture” Questions What do I enjoy doing? What am I good at? What areas of learning or achieving are the most problematic for me? When do I feel as though I have accomplished something? Where do I want to be in 10 years? How much do I want to make? Where do I want to live? Do I want a family?
Ask Yourself “Little Picture” Questions Where have I thought about attending college? What are the requirements for these schools? How do I meet these requirements? Who will pay for college and how will they do it? What major is the best fit for me?
10 Things to Consider Before Choosing Your Major 1. What is the earning potential of your interest? 2. What schools offer this major? 3. Where are these schools located? 4. How much will it cost? 5. Determine in what areas of your life you are most successful 6. How will you pay for it? 7. What is the work load like? 8. Talk to people who have obtained the major you are considering 9. Look at the career options available within this major 10. Financial incentives
as a Starting Point A WEB-BASED RESOURCE THAT SUPPORTS COLLEGE AND CAREER PLANNING How to log on: Go to Enter your student ID number in username Enter your 6 digit date of birth in password
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