2 All About Energy
3 Carbon Fixation
4 Photosystems
5 Alternate Pathways
6 Light & Dark Reactions
7 Vocabulary
8 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 All About Energy Carbon Fixation Photo- systems Alternate Pathways Light & Dark Reactions Vocabulary
9 Ultimate energy for all life on Earth
10 What is sunlight?
11 Organisms such as plants and algae that can trap energy from the sun and convert it into chemical energy
12 What are autotrophs?
13 Type of chemical energy made during photosynthesis and used by all cells
14 What is ATP?
15 Type of chlorophyll that absorbs light energy in the range of 650 nm wavelength
16 What is chlorophyll a?
17 Photosynthesis is this type of Energy reaction
18 What is an endergonic reaction?
19 Molecule that supplies the carbon atoms in photosynthesis
20 What is CO 2 ?
21 The biochemical pathway that is used in photosynthesis to produce the organic compound Glucose
22 What is the Calvin Cycle?
23 Part of the Chloroplast where carbon fixation occurs
24 What is the stroma?
25 The 5-carbon molecule that combines with CO 2 in the chloroplast to form a 6-carbon molecule
26 What is RuBP?
27 Molecule that forms when PGA combines with a phosphate from ATP
28 What is PGAL?
29 Stacks of thylakoids inside the chloroplast
30 What are grana?
31 Three things that happen to light when it strikes an object
32 What is reflected, transmitted, or absorbed?
33 Molecule in photosystems I and II that becomes excited by light energy
34 What is Chlorophyll a?
35 Substance that supplies the needed electrons to replace ones lost by chlorophyll
36 What is water?
37 Where the electron transport chain takes place
38 What is the thylakoid membrane?
39 The most common pathway for carbon fixation
40 What is the Calvin Cycle or C 3 Cycle?
41 Plants that only fix carbon using the Calvin Cycle
42 What are C 3 plants?
43 Pores where most water loss occurs on a plant
44 What are stomata?
45 Sugar cane, corn, and crab grass are examples
46 What are C 4 plants?
47 Cactus and pineapple are examples
48 What are CAM plants?
49 Yellow, Orange, and Brown pigments that absorb light
50 What are carotenoids?
51 Reactions in which water is split
52 What are the light reactions?
53 Process in the light reactions that synthesizes ATP
54 What is chemiosmosis?
55 Enzyme in the thylakoid membrane that helps make ATP in the light reactions
56 What is ATP synthetase?
58 Gas that builds up in the atmosphere causing acid rain that kills plants
59 What is carbon dioxide?
60 Photosynthesis occurs here in algae
61 What is the chloroplast?
62 Absorb colors of light not picked up by chlorophyll
63 What are accessory pigments?
64 A series of linked reactions such as photosynthesis
65 What is a biochemical pathway?
66 Pathway that enables plants to fix carbon into 4-carbon compounds
67 What is the C 4 pathway?
68 Plants that open their stomata at night and close them during the day
69 What are CAM plants?
72 Glycolysis
73 Fermentation
74 Aerobic Respiration
75 Krebs Cycle
76 Energy
77 Wild Card
78 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 Glycolysis Fermentation Aerobic Respiration Krebs Cycle Energy Wild Card
79 Occurs Here inside a Cell
80 What is the cytoplasm?
81 Glycolysis is this type of biochemical Pathway
82 What is Anaerobic?
83 Three Carbon compound produced when Glucose is split
84 What is Pyruvic Acid or Pyruvate?
85 Coenzyme that is reduced during glycolysis whenever it accepts electrons
86 What is NAD+ or Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide?
87 Net Production of ATP from Glycolysis
88 What is two ATP molecules?
89 Fermentation is this type of biochemical pathway
90 What is anaerobic or without oxygen?
91 Type of Fermentation in Muscle Cells
92 What is Lactic Acid Fermentation?
93 Name of the Alcohol made during Alcoholic Fermentation
94 What is Ethyl Alcohol or Ethanol?
95 Energy Carrier that is oxidized during Lactic Acid Fermentation
96 What is NAD+?
97 Two Food Products made by Lactic Acid Fermentation
98 What are yogurt and cheese?
99 Gas needed for pyruvate to enter this pathway
100 What is oxygen?
101 Produces nearly this much more ATP than Glycolysis alone
102 What is twenty times more?
103 Two Major Stages of Aerobic Respiration
104 What are the Krebs Cycle & Electron Transport Chain?
105 Where Aerobic Respiration occurs in Bacteria
106 What is the cytosol?
107 Pyruvate made during glycolysis diffuses here
108 What is the Mitochondrial Matrix?
109 Krebs Cycle breaks down this 2-carbon molecule
110 What is Acetyl CoA?
111 Krebs Cycle occurs here in Eukaryotic Cells
112 What is the mitochondrial matrix?
113 Four Carbon Compound that combines with Acetyl CoA to begin the Krebs Cycle
114 What is Oxaloacetic Acid?
116 First Six-Carbon Compound made in the Krebs Cycle
117 What is Citric Acid?
118 Two Energy Carriers other than ATP that are reduced in the Krebs Cycle
119 What are NAD+ and FAD?
120 Amount of Energy Needed to start Glycolysis
121 What are 2 ATP?
122 Gross Amount of ATP Made during Glycolysis
123 What is 4 ATP?
124 Makes Most of the energy Produced in Cellular Respiration
125 What is the Electron Transport Chain?
126 Total Amount of NADH made during Cellular Respiration
127 What is 10 NADH?
129 Equivalent Amount of ATP made from the 2 FADH 2 molecules in the Krebs Cycle
130 What is 4 ATP?
131 Number of kilocalories Obtained from one Glucose molecule When it is Burned
132 What is 686 kilocalories?
133 Total number of ATP Molecules Generated through the Electron Transport Chain
134 What is 34 ATP?
135 Total Amount of ATP that can be generated through Cellular Respiration
136 What is 38 ATP?
137 Process by which Carbonated Beverages are Made
138 What is Alcoholic Fermentation?
139 Process used by the First Bacteria to Generate all their ATP
140 What is Glycolysis?
142 Make your Wager Now!!!
143 Important Energy Process used in Both Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis
144 What is the Electron Transport Chain?