Notes for Ch. 12 The Republic of Texas
Houston’s First Term as President In your notebook, make a list of things Texas would need once they become independent. (Think about things you would need once you move out of your parent’s house (Flemingworld) and translate that to “Academicworld” terms.) On the same sheet of paper (below your list) start your notes as we read Ch. 12, Section 1. Houston’s First Term as President Right after becoming a Republic, the Texans voted on their new government . They decided that: Houston would be president and Lamar is vice president Approved the Constitution of 1836 Agreed that Texas should join the United States Capitals of the Republic 3 2 Columbia, TX Houston , TX December 1836 (for three years only!!!) Austin, TX 1
- becoming a part of the United States Annexation - becoming a part of the United States Reasons the United States did NOT want TX U.S. didn’t want to damage relations with Mexico (MX did NOT recognize TX independence) Slavery – at this point in history the U.S. had 13 slave states and 13 free states… Texas would throw off that balance Recognition (Texas’ friends/allies) The U.S. – recognized us (became our friend/ally) in Dec. 1836 France Great Britain The Netherlands
Native American Issues Red Tribe (Plains Indians) Problems Native Americans were raiding Central TX (Comanche, Kiowa, Apache) Raids decreased after Houston sent in the TX Rangers Green Tribe (East TX Indians) Problems Remember… Houston had lived with the Cherokee when he was younger Houston tried to make peace with the Cherokee Cherokee promised not to fight during the Revolution to get their land titles – Texans lied! No land titles after the war!!! Debt TX Republic Debt when Houston took office - $1.25 million Why so high? Because of the TX Revolution AND because the TX gov’t was spending (expenditures) more than it earned (revenue) TX Republic debt after Houston’s first term as president - $2 million
What is the Disputed Territory? Since Texas had been created, the border had been the NUECES RIVER In the Treaties of Velasco, Santa Anna promised to make the RIO GRANDE the border of Texas The area between these two rivers is called the DISPUTED TERRITORY Why??? Because Texas said the land between the Nueces and the Rio Grande belonged to them… Mexico said that land belonged to them… therefore it was DISPUTED TERRITORY
Lamar Becomes President Lamar’s Policies and Goals Opposes annexation Lamar thought improving education was the key to a healthy democracy in Texas Created an endowment fund for TX public education Lamar Chooses a New Capital Lamar believed TX should expand west to the Pacific Ocean Lamar chose Waterloo as the site of the new capital BECAUSE it was farther west than most other TX towns Austin was founded in 1839 Austin in 1839 or 1841
Lamar and the Native Americans Green Tribes (East TX Cherokees) Lamar reversed anything Houston had done to make peace with the Cherokees Lamar believed the Mexicans were trying to get the Cherokee to attack the Texans Lamar ordered the TX army to East TX to attack the Cherokee The Texans won, burned the villages and forced the surviving Cherokee out of Texas forever Council House Fight Plains Indians (Comanche, Kiowa, Apache) Problems Comanche were still raiding TX settlements Comanche agreed to meet with Texans in San Antonio (read pp. 277 & 278 for the story of what happened) The Result of this Fight – More fighting AND because of what happened in San Antonio, the Comanche NEVER trusted the Texans again (they would talk with American soldiers… but NEVER Texans!!!)
Lamar and the Military Santa Fe Expedition Debt Lamar thought a big, strong military would force Mexico to recognize us This cost Texas A LOT of money He sent the new Navy ships into Mexican waters to harass Mexican ships (when Houston gets re-elected in 1841… he recalls the TX Navy) Santa Fe Expedition Santa Fe was an important center for trade ($$$) between Mexico and the U.S. – Lamar wanted it Lamar sent an “expedition” to Santa Fe in order to get control of it The expedition went very badly and the Texans were captured and sent to a Mexican prison… most of the Texans died Our friends, the U.S. and Great Britain, helped get the remaining TX survivors released from prison THE RESULT OF THE SANTA FE EXPEDITION – It made Mexico really mad and cost A LOT of money Debt TX Republic Debt when Lamar took office - $2 million Lamar spent A LOT of money on Indian Wars (both Cherokee and fights after the Council House Fight) A bigger Navy Santa Fe Expedition TX Republic Debt when Lamar leaves office - $7 million
Vasquez (MX) invades TX Cause and Effect Events Started by the Santa Fe Expedition Lamar’s Santa Fe Expedition CAUSED several other conflicts between TX and MX. The EFFECTS of the Santa Fe Expedition were seen during Houston’s 2nd term in office. Vasquez (MX) invades TX Archives War Santa Fe Expedition (Lamar) Houston’s 2nd Houston’s 2nd Black Bean Drawing Woll (MX) invades TX Mier Expedition Houston’s 2nd Houston’s 2nd Houston’s 2nd
Houston’s Temporary Peace Houston is Re-elected Houston tried to reduce the debt as soon as he regained the presidency Selling Navy ships Cut government positions Made the army smaller It did not work… TX debt still increased Houston’s Temporary Peace Houston was able to make peace with the Plains Indians… this peace lasted several years The Archives War