Immigration Immigration: When a person moves from one country to another. Push Factor: What pushes a person from a country. Pull Factor: What pulls a person to a certain country.
Immigration Can you give examples of push and pull factors?
Immigration Starting in the 1830’s until the 1920’s, European immigrants started pouring into the USA. First came Germans and Irish, then Russians, Polish, Swedish, Norwegians & Italians. They mainly moved to cities in the northeast like Boston and New York and worked in factories.
In the 1800’s 5 million Germans came to the USA. They came because the poor were not allowed to own land and Europe was constantly at war. Many lived in cities in the east, but most moved west to take advantage of free land and became farmers.
The Irish started immigrating in the 1840’s because their main crop-potatoes- stopped growing. In Ireland, more than a million people starved to death and 4 million came to the USA. To make things worse, the British controlled Ireland and treated them terribly. The Irish in America were also treated poorly- but they were responsible for building the Trans-Continental Railroad and many fought in the Civil War.
Two million Polish and Russian immigrants came for two reasons- either their religion or because they were very poor- or both. Poland was a very poor country controlled by its powerful neighbors and Russia was ruled by dictators that did not care about the poor. Also, many Jewish people lived in Poland and Russia and were treated badly because they were different and a minority.
More than 5 million southern Italians emigrated to the USA in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s because they were treated terribly by the northern Italians.
One and a half million Swedish and Norwegians came to the US because they wanted to practice their religion and get free land in the west like the Germans had.
Immigration Almost all of the immigrants that came from Europe were checked for disease and counted at Ellis Island in New York City.
Immigration Many Chinese immigrants came to America and helped build the Trans-Continental Railroad. They came through San Francisco. The Chinese faced terrible racism because they were from such a different culture.
Immigration People from many other countries came too. Filipinos, Mexicans people from the Caribbean and Japan also came for different reasons. The Immigrants that came during the Industrial Revolution provided factories with workers and were a major factor in Urbanization. The US still accepts more immigrants than all other countries in the world combined!
Immigration What effect do you think immigration had on the cities of the US? What effect do you think immigration had on Europe?