The Reformations of the Catholic Church Protestant Reformation Protestant Chart English Reformation Catholic Reformation
England Before the English Reformation King Henry VIII was Catholic so everyone was Catholic!! NO RELIGIOUS FREEDOM!! He was granted the title “defender of the faith” from the pope for speaking out against Luther
Why did the English Reformation Start???? Catholics cannot get divorces! King Henry wanted a divorce- Catherine of Aragon could not give him a son! Only the Pope can make this happen
Pope vs. King The pope could annul his marriage if it could be proved that it was never legal Henry decides to get rid of the pope’s power in England and divorce Catherine
The Act of Supremacy!! Henry takes power over church and makes a divorce to his marriage. Made people in England accept Henry’s divorce English recognize Henry as the official head of the Church of England
Consequences… Henry had many wives, finally a male heir… Edward VI (Henry’s son) became king when he was 9 His advisors were Protestant so England was Protestant He died after 6 years of rule
Next in line… Mary Daughter of Henry’s 1st wife Catherine of Aragon She was devoutly Catholic! England was now Catholic and the pope had authority once again She killed many Protestants She was given the name Bloody Mary
Next…Elizabeth I Daughter of Henry’s second wife, Anne Boleyn She returns the Church of England to a Protestant Church She brought peace by integrating some Catholic items into the Protestant Church
Final Result England’s Catholic church has Protestant ideals. They keep many of the Catholic beliefs, rituals, and ceremonies. Unlike true Catholics power is taken from the pope and given to the monarch. HOME
Pope Paul III Started Catholic Reformation Wanted to reform the Catholic Church to show Catholics religion was still good. Thus hoping to stop spread of Protestant Religions
Strengthened Inquisition Recognized Society of Jesus Catholic Reformation Council of Trent Strengthened Inquisition Recognized Society of Jesus Reformed Convents & Monasteries
Council of Trent Group that would meet to discuses for they can improve the church. Salvation = Faith & Good Deeds! Bible =source of Info BUT not only source!
Council of Trent End corruption in clergy with strict penalties for mis-behavior. New schools for clergy
Inquisition Church Court that tried to stop other beliefs. Used Torture and Execution Index of Forbidden Books = list of immoral books
Society of Jesus AKA Jesuits a new religious sect of Catholicism Founded by Ignatius of Loyola Defend & spread Catholic faith through new schools Became advisors in other lands.
Reform Convents & Monasteries New passion for religion allowed for increase reform in convents St. Theresa of Avila nun’s life should be strict Live in isolation, eat & sleep little Dedicate life to prayer & meditation
Protestant Reformation What is it? Reform Roman Catholic Church Why? Problems with the Church: 1. Administrative Divisions A. Competing popes
2. Questionable Religious Rituals and Practices A. Pilgrimages, saint worship 3. Corruption and Abuses of Power in Church A. Indulgences, Immoral behavior
John Wycliffe 1320-1384 English “Morning Star of the Reformation”
Wycliffe Translated Bible into English Taught “the freedom of religious conscience of the individual believer, who stood in faith directly before God.” Attacked wealth of the Church
Martin Luther the man who began the Protestant Reformation
He promised St. Anne if he lived he would become a monk * He disagreed with indulgences and took action
Indulgences!! *Tetzel was given permission by the pope to sell indulgences (money given for assurance of their ascent to heaven)
Tetzel used this money to help build the Cathedral of St. Peter in Rome
Indulgences have no basis in the Bible Luther’s Main arguments: Indulgences have no basis in the Bible The Pope has no authority to release souls from purgatory Christians can be saved through faith alone
95 Theses Luther posts list of arguments against indulgences on door of Wittenberg Church
Luther vs. the Church Church tries to persuade Luther to recant Gets even more radical Urges people to go against Rome (Leo X) Claims church must be reformed by secular authorities if not from within
Luther is excommunicated by pope Holy Roman Emperor (Charles V) orders Luther to give up his writings at Diet of Worms Charles V declares Luther an outlaw
What Luther Taught Salvation achieved through faith alone Bible sole source of religious truth Priests and Church hierarchy do NOT have special powers “priesthood of believers”
Also….. Rejects 5 of 7 sacraments Bans indulgences Bans confession Bans pilgrimages Bans prayers to saints Allows clergy to marry No mass just sermon
Reformer, Priest, and Lawyer John Calvin Reformer, Priest, and Lawyer
“Institutes of the Christian Religion” Told his religious beliefs Read by Protestants everywhere Advice on how to organize and run a Protestant church
Similar Ideas to Luther’s Salvation through faith alone Bible is the only source of religious truth
Calvin’s New Ideas!! God is all powerful and humans are by nature sinful God alone determined who would receive salvation (predestination) World is divided into 2 kinds of people: saints and sinners
Calvin and Geneva People in Geneva, Switzerland ask Calvin to lead their community Sets up theocracy Only the “elect” go to heaven Build a strongly regulated society
The Rules….. No: Fighting Swearing Laughing in Church Dancing Theaters Elaborate Dress Hard work Discipline Thrift Honesty morality
What about women? Education for boys and girls (like Luther) Women should read the Bible (in private) Women can sing in church
It Spreads….. People visit Geneva and take Calvinism to other places To Germany, France, the Netherlands, England, & Scotland
Wars!! Challenge to Catholic Church set off wars: French Huguenots (Calvinists) vs. Catholics (The St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre) Edict of Nantes protected Huguenot’s beliefs (briefly)
The Netherlands Organized Dutch Reformed Church Field Preachers
Scotland John Knox led religious rebellion Scottish Protestants overthrew their Catholic queen set up Scottish Presbyterian Church
Key Concepts: Predestination (God chose who would be saved, knows everything) World made up of 2 kinds of people: saints and sinners The “elect” are saved Original Sin (natural sinful) HOME
Pope, Priest have access to God Sources of Doctrine Beliefs in Salvation Church Hierarchy Religious Practices Roman Catholic Bible, Pope, Priests Indulgences Give Money to Church Pope, Priest have access to God Elaborate Rituals Lutheran Bible Only through Faith God through Faith Strict Faith Calvinist Bible Only through Faith God through Faith Faith & Mortality