1 CHCOHS312A Follow safety procedures for direct care work.


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Presentation transcript:

1 CHCOHS312A Follow safety procedures for direct care work

2 CHCOHS312A This unit has been designed to cater for safety aspects of work involving delivery of services in aged care, home and community care and disability services

3 Elements of Learning - Goals and Application Essential outcomes: 1.Identify sources of risk to personal safety, assess level of risk and follow risk minimisation procedures with minimal supervision 2. Identify manual handling hazards to minimise risk 3.Identify sources of infection and minimise risk of infection to themselves, clients and others 4.Identify hazards 5.Follow policies and procedures in controlling risk 6.Contribute to OHS in the workplace

4 Element 6: Contribute to OHS in the Workplace Occupational Health and Safety refers to the identification and management of risks in the workplace to maintain a safe environment that protects the health and welfare of workers, their clients, and others who enter the workplace

5 OHS Framework NSW OHS Act 2000 Principal Law OHS Regulation 2001 accompanies the act and provides specific details about the act Codes of Practice and Australian Standards provides practical guidance about the implementation of legislation

6 OHS Law Outlines the roles and responsibilities of organizations and workers Based on the principle of Duty of Care that the employers and employees have in protecting the health, safety and welfare of themselves and others in the workplace

7 Employers Responsibilities Providing and maintaining a safe work place Ensuring safe systems and workplace policies and procedures Providing information,supervision and training Promote effective consultation processes Hazard identification Risk control Safe equipment Record keeping and documentation

8 Employees Responsibilities Legal accountability to protect themselves and others from risks, accidents or illness Co-operate with organizations safe systems Work safely Take reasonable care Report and document hazards

9 OHS Regulation Sets out specific requirements and standards which must be met in relation to : hazards systems of work administrative issues

10 Codes of Practice Provide guidance on specific risks such as: Handling hazardous substances Manual Handling Infection Control Evacuation and emergencies

11 Policies and Procedures Every organization must have policies related to OHS The key elements of OHS policy are: –A commitment to ensuring a safe workplace –Detailed OHS responsibilities of everyone –Management’s approach to OHS –Consultation, training and participation –Risk management and control approach

12 Aged Care Accreditation Standards Under the Aged Care Act 1997 aged care services have an obligation to provide a safe work and living environment To gain accreditation aged care facilities must be able to show evidence of having effective OHS systems in place. Standard 4 Physical Environment and Safe Systems outlines standards re OHS

13 Standard 4 Physical Environment and Safe Systems Principle: Residents live in a safe, comfortable environment that ensures their quality of life and the health and welfare of residents, staff and volunteers

Aged Care Accreditation Standard 4 Outcomes 4.1 Continuous improvement 4.2 Regulatory compliance 4.3 Education and staff development 4.4 Living environment 4.5 Occupational health and safety 4.6 Fire, Security and other emergencies 4.7 Infection Control 4.8 Catering, Cleaning and Laundry Services 14

15 Continuous improvement Step 1 Identify hazards Step 2 Assess risk Step 3 Eliminate or implement controls Step 5 Evaluate Step 4 Monitor

16 Consultation The Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 requires that a consultation mechanism be established. This can be: 1. An elected OHS Committee, 2. Elected OHS Representative/s, or 3. Another agreed arrangement.

17 OHS Committee 20 or more employees or FTE and majority of staff have requested an OHS Committee, you MUST establish one. Committee - both employee and employer representatives, including a senior management representative for decision making purposes. Committee has a 2-way communication role – providing advice to management and feedback to employees. All members are required to attend the 4 day Work cover accredited OHS Consultation course.

18 OHS Representative If at least one employee requests an OHS Representative, you must organise an election for one. The OHS Representative will meet with senior management on regular occasions to communicate OHS issues. Reporting to other employees. Elected OHS Representatives - required to attend the 4 day WorkCover accredited OHS Consultation course.

19 Element 5: Follow Procedures and Strategies for Risk Control Risk management is an essential and continuous process of monitoring, assessing, controlling and evaluating OHS risks in the workplace. Risk management steps include: –Identification of a hazard –Assessing the potential harm of the hazard –Implementation of strategies to minimise the potential harm –Monitoring and evaluating the strategies used to minimise the hazard