Voluntary, not mandatory
Earn up to 50 points towards your interview grade Follow instructions carefully to receive all possible points View Brian Linehan’s interview of John Candy; link on class website.
Transcribe the questions that the interviewer asks (not the answers that Mr. Candy gives). Identify what type of questions they are: open, behavioral, direct-specific, or indirect. Answer the following questions: 1.How does the interviewer establish a rapport with Mr. Candy? 2.In what type of setting does the interview take place? Is it formal, informal, semi-formal? Why do you think so? 3.Is this an example of a good interview? Why or why not?
Typed ONLY in Times New Roman 12-point font, single-spaced, and use a header: EXAMPLE: Shelby L. Cearley SPC ID SPCH May 2011 If more than 1 page, must also include last name and page number IN THE HEADER. Ask me if you don’t know how to format it.
This is due by 6 p.m. on 2 May, the night of your group presentation. You must turn in a hard copy only, not by attachment. No late assignments will be accepted.
This is entirely voluntary. If you’re happy with your interview grade, you don’t have to do this.