Computer Networks By: Donald Blake
What is a computer network? A computer network is a group of computer systems and computer hardware devices that are linked together for the purpose of sharing data. LANs and WANs There are two main types of network: Local Area Network (LAN) Wide Area Network (WAN)
Topology ‘A schematic description of the arrangement of a network including its nodes and connection lines’ The different ways you can setup a WAN an LAN network. My words
Bus Topology Network Bus network setup are most common in small business. All computer systems and devices are connected to one single cable called the Bus. On bus network messages are broadcasted out but only the intended recipient receives it.
User experience Bus network are reliable in small business. Information can travel faster and it easy to setup. Large business using Bus network will have a bad experience. Bus networks has a limit to the amount of systems and devices that can be connected. The more people connected the less speed and connection time the network will have. Which make it less reliable for big business
Star topology This is the most common network setup. All the systems and device are indirectly connected to components: Hub, Router or a Switch the name given to these components is ‘hub node’
User experience Star topology is mostly used in school and offices because it is the most reliable. Small business using star network will find their self spending more money on cables and components for network. Star network setup will give small offices a bad/good experience They will be spending more but will have a reliable network
Star topology speed and reliability Speed 10 megabits per second data transfer rate Reliable The reason Star topology is the most reliable network connection is because if one connection fails it don’t affect other users. Another reason is star topology reliable has a good security.
Strengths (2 Example) As compared to Bus topology it gives far much better performance. Easy to connect new nodes or devices. In star topology new nodes can be added easily without affecting rest of the network. Similarly components can also be removed easily.
Weakness (2 Example) Too much dependency on central device has its own drawbacks. The use of hub, a router or a switch as central device increases the overall cost of the network.