RP-2000 Series Deluge & Agent Releasing Panels NOTIFIER Date RP-2000 Series Deluge & Agent Releasing Panels Alex Luk 23rd April 2008
RP-2001(E) Deluge System Replaces RP-1001(E) Designed for sprinkler standards NFPA 13, 15 and 16 Replaces RP-1001(E) Adjustable waterflow discharge timer and two soak timers Cross-zone (double-interlock) capability
RP-2002(E) Clean Agent System Replaces RP-1002(E) Designed for clean agent releasing standards NFPA 12, 12A, and 2001 Replaces RP-1002(E) Adjustable pre-discharge, discharge and waterflow delay timers Cross-zone (double-interlock) capability Programmable Abort operation
Common Features Single or Dual Hazard Operation Six programmable Style B (Class B) IDCs (Initiating Device Circuit) System Sensor I3 Series Smoke Detectors Any normally-open contact devices Manual Pull Stations Pressure Switches Waterflow switches Conventional 2-wire or 4-wire, 24 VDC smoke detectors System Sensor I3 Series with Maintenance Alert and Freeze Sensor delivers industry first in a deluge system
Common Features Four programmable Style Y (Class B) output circuits programmable for: Releasing Solenoids NACs programmable for: Silence Inhibit Auto-Silence Strobe Synchronization (System Sensor, Wheelock, Gentex, Faraday, Amseco) Selective Silence (horn-strobe mute) Temporal or Steady Signal Silenceable or Nonsilenceable Release Stage Sounder 7.0 amps total 24 VDC output current Resettable and non-resettable output power 2 Outputs, 500 mA each
Common Features 80-character LCD display (backlit) Built-in Programmer Extensive transient protection Disable/Enable control per input zone and output zone Three programmable Form-C relays
Common Features Real-time clock/calendar with daylight savings time control History log with 256 event storage Control Buttons ACK (Acknowledge) Alarm Silence System Reset/Lamp Test Drill Indicators Fire Alarm Supervisory Trouble AC Power Discharge Abort (RP-2002 only)
Common Features Piezo sounder for alarm, trouble and supervisory 24 volt operation Low AC voltage sense Integral battery charger automatically charges batteries from 7 AH to 26 AH Up to 18 AH in the FACP enclosure 26 AH require BB-26 battery box “C” Version charges 7-12 AH
Common Features Automatic battery charger with charger supervision Silent or audible walktest capabilities Optional Dress Panel DP-51050 (red) Optional CAC-5X Class A Converter Module for Outputs and IDCs Optional 4XTMF Municipal Box Transmitter Module Optional Digital Alarm Communicators (411, 411UD, 411UDAC)
Programming Templates Completely field programmable from the keypad Pre-programmed application templates (Deluge) Single Hazard - 3 Zone Single Hazard - Cross-Zone With Manual Release Dual Hazard - Combined Release Dual Hazard - Split Release Single Hazard - 3 Zones and Low Pressure Single Hazard - 2 Zones Cross-Zoned With All Active Single Hazard - Dual Zone Pre-programmed application templates (Agent) Cross-Zone System - Zones 1 & 4: All Active Single Zone System With Horn Or – Create your own!
Common Features ANN-BUS for connection to optional: N-ANN-80 Remote LCD Annunciator N-ANN-I/O LED Driver N-ANN-S/PG Printer Module N-ANN-RLY Relay Module N-ANN-LED Annunciator Module
ANN-Bus Devices RP-2000 Series Up to 8 – any mix N-ANN-80 Remote LCD N-ANN-I/O LED Driver N-ANN-S/PG Printer N-ANN-RLY Relay N-ANN-LED Annunciator RP-2000 Series Up to 8 – any mix
ANN-Bus Devices N-ANN-80 Remote LCD Annunciator 80 character LCD Mimics FACP display Key switch controlled Switches Silence Reset Drill Switches can be individually disabled LEDs AC Power Trouble Supervisory Fire Alarm Alarm Silenced Mounts to single, double or 4” square electrical box. ANN-80BB available for surface mount applications
ANN-Bus Devices N-ANN-I/O LED Driver Provides up to 40 LED outputs Used with custom graphic annunciators http://www.ledinc.com/
ANN-Bus Devices N-ANN-S/PG Printer Module Provides remote serial or parallel output Connects to: PRN-6 printer PC (Hyper Terminal) Any Serial/Parallel compatible device Also used to download history
ANN-Bus Devices N-ANN-RLY Relay Module 10 Individually Programmable Relays 2.0 amps @ 30 VDC (resistive) 0.5 amps @ 30 VAC (resistive) Mounts Inside the FACP enclosure
ANN-Bus Devices N-ANN-LED Annunciator Module Provides LED annunciation of general system faults and input zones Alarm (red) Trouble (yellow) Supervisory (yellow) Supplied mounted to the DP-51050LED Dress Panel (RP-2001C or RP-2002C) Commonly used in City of Denver, Canada & other jurisdictions requiring this type of annunciation Remote mount option N-ANN-LEDBB
NOTIFIER Date Thank You