bañarse menos te se -o-amos -as -a-an bañar se se We’re not done yet… we need to PIC where the pronoun goes...
PIC? YES or NO? Present Progressive? ING Infinitive? ends in R Command? Positive or Negative? To attach or not to attach? If the answer to all of the questions to the left are NO… PUT IT BEFORE. If ANY answer to the left is YES… ATTACH IT AFTER.
This is what it looks like… NO me baño te bañas se baña nos bañamos se bañan YES - INFINITIVE bañarme bañarte bañarse bañarnos bañarse
Verbs in this Chapter afeitarse – to shave oneself arreglarse – to dress oneself cepillarse – to brush ones teeth ducharse – to shower oneself entrenarse – to train oneself lavarse – to wash oneself levantarse – to get up maquillarse – to put make on peinarse – to comb ones hair secarse – to dry oneself Many of the verbs in this chapter are regular “–ar” verbs that operate EXACTLY like the verb “bañarse” that we JUST saw!