1. Total national and regional budgets, US $ 2. Total budget from non governmental sources, US $ 3. Gaps between planned and secured, US$. 1.Extent of Total Needed Resources actually allocated to implement NTRP. 2. Share of External Support received as part of total resources needed. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation
1. Total number of staff who have received skills enhancement support for more effective NTRP implementation. 2. Number of meetings on exchange of best practice and cross-sectoral collaboration for tiger conservation. 3. Extent of planned Skill enhancement achieved. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation
Number and total area (ha) of the Tiger range PAs that are actively involved into to the Tiger conservation program under certain NTRP activities 4. Extent of Park Management Effectiveness performance reviews conducted. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation
Addition parameters of this indicator: Area (ha) of recovered tiger habitats of the total tiger areas needed to be recovered. 5.Extent of critical tiger breeding areas made inviolate under national laws Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation
Addition parameters (prevention of poaching of tiger prey base) of this indicator: 1. Number of detected violations/ Number of administrative penalties of detected violations / Number of criminal penalties of detected violations 2. Number of confiscated snares, traps/ number of confiscated illegal firearms/ number of confiscated ungulates carcasses 6. Extent of adaptation of “smart” patrolling. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation
Annual regular follow up on the number of prosecutions (cases of tiger kills, customs seizures of confiscated tiger parts and derivatives) is needed accompanied with the follow up comparison with the previous years 7. Extent of Tiger crime cases legally framed leading to legal punishment. 8. Extent of cross border collaborative interdictions leading to seizure and punishment. Indicator: number of tigers killed/ number of confiscated tigers and tiger parts and derivatives Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation
Additional parameters of this indicator: 1.Number of human-tiger conflict preventive measures (number booklet/people involve in special meetings) 2. Number of tiger conflict situations/ number of successfully resolves tiger conflict situations (without death of tiger)/ number of caught tigers (adult and cubs)/ number of successfully rehabilitated tigers 9. Compensation paid per incidence of tiger human conflict Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation
10. Value of benefits of economic development/alternative income/benefit sharing programs per program beneficiary. This indicator requires elaboration and adoption of a special legislation on ecological insurance. It should be noted that ecological insurance is voluntary in certain countries what means that this indicator might not be indicative enough. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation
List of the PIAs needs to be clarified. If we include all activities from all NTRPs, different countries will have different number of PIAs. After the list of all PIAs is clarified, additional parameters for this indicator will need to be adopted. 11. Extent of implementation of Priority Implementation Activities (PIAs) Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation
The area of monitored landscapes (ha) in tiger habitats as well as the number of tigers in those areas should serve as a parameter for this indicator (not the total number of monitored PA’s) 12. Extent of implementation of science based monitoring of tigers, prey and habitat. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation
This is an important indicator showing the success of all tiger conservation activities. This indicator should be clarified and analyzed by the end of the GTRP. Intermediate results can be elaborated by 2016 or Change in Area of Tiger Habitat Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation
This is an important indicator showing the success of all tiger conservation activities. This indicator should be clarified and analyzed by the end of the GTRP. Intermediate results can be elaborated by 2016 or Change in Tiger numbers since the Summit. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation