O NLINE T UTORING Asaph Green Multi Media Specialist, EduStream
W HY WE DID IT ? Budget cuts: funding for local learning centers reduced Provide a service to students that is easily accessible from anywhere with internet connection Fill a gap in services for students who take online courses exclusively
C ONTINUED … A potential revenue source Additional learning resource for our students
H OW IT WORKS Live streaming web sessions Students able to ask questions in real time and get them answered right away Archived videos available for students that missed the live sessions Students access site by going to: tess.sbccd.org/onlinetutoring
C URRENT AND FUTURE Participation from SBVC and CHC full time and adjunct faculty Subjects currently being offered: - Elementary Algebra - Intermediate Algebra - Biology
C URRENT AND FUTURE CONT. Plans are to add 2 -3 additional subjects to the current subject offerings Increase staff time dedicated to the Online Tutoring Project Offer this service to the other 110 California Community Colleges starting Fall 2012