The Arab-Israeli Wars Mr. Ornstein Willow Canyon High School IB: 20 th Century War
Answer: What is Zionism? What is Zionism? What was the Diaspora? What was the Diaspora?
Arab-Israeli Wars 1948 to the Present 1948 to the Present War for Israeli Independence 1948 War for Israeli Independence 1948 Sinai/Suez War 1956 Sinai/Suez War 1956 Six Day War 1967 Six Day War 1967 Yom Kippur/October War 1973 Yom Kippur/October War 1973 War in Lebanon 1982 War in Lebanon 1982 Palestinian Intifada Palestinian Intifada
Important People: Theodore Herzl Founder of the Modern Zionist Movement Founder of the Modern Zionist Movement
Important People: Arthur Balfour British Document Supporting Creation of Jewish State in Palestine British Document Supporting Creation of Jewish State in Palestine British Controlled Palestine After WWI British Controlled Palestine After WWI
Important People: Gamal Abdel Nasser Nationalist Egyptian Leader Nationalist Egyptian Leader Anti-colonial Anti-colonial Pan-Arabist Pan-Arabist Strongly anti- Israel Strongly anti- Israel Fights 3 Wars to Destroy Israel Fights 3 Wars to Destroy Israel
Important People: Anwar El Sadat Leader of Egypt after Nasser Leader of Egypt after Nasser Fights October 1973 War Against Israel Fights October 1973 War Against Israel Signs Camp David Peace Accords with Israel Signs Camp David Peace Accords with Israel Assassinated Assassinated
Important People: Yasser Arafat Leader of Palestinian Terrorist Group: PLO Leader of Palestinian Terrorist Group: PLO Palestinian Liberation Organization Palestinian Liberation Organization Lead Terrorist War Against Israel Lead Terrorist War Against Israel Claimed to give up violence and support peace process Claimed to give up violence and support peace process
Important People: David Ben- Gurion Important Israeli Leader Important Israeli Leader First Israeli Prime Minister First Israeli Prime Minister
Important People: Golda Meir Golda Meir became Prime Minister of Israel on March 17, She was described as the "Iron Lady" of Israeli politics years before the epithet became associated with British prime minister, Margaret Thatcher. David Ben- Gurion used to call her "the only man in the Cabinet." Meir was Israel's first woman prime minister and the third woman in the world to hold this office. Golda Meir became Prime Minister of Israel on March 17, She was described as the "Iron Lady" of Israeli politics years before the epithet became associated with British prime minister, Margaret Thatcher. David Ben- Gurion used to call her "the only man in the Cabinet." Meir was Israel's first woman prime minister and the third woman in the world to hold this office.Prime Minister of IsraelMarch Iron LadyIsraeli politics Margaret ThatcherDavid Ben- GurionCabinetPrime Minister of IsraelMarch Iron LadyIsraeli politics Margaret ThatcherDavid Ben- GurionCabinet Leader during 1973 October War Leader during 1973 October War
Important People: Menachem Begin Israeli Prime Minister Israeli Prime Minister Signs Camp David Accord with Sadat Signs Camp David Accord with Sadat
Important People: Yitzhak Rabin Israeli Military Leader Israeli Military Leader Israeli Prime Minister Israeli Prime Minister Attempts to start peace process with PLO and Arafat Attempts to start peace process with PLO and Arafat Agrees to give land to Palestinians Agrees to give land to Palestinians Assassinated Assassinated
Ariel Sharon Israeli Military Hero Israeli Military Hero Prime Minister Prime Minister More Aggressive Against Palestinians/Rev ersed Policies of Rabin More Aggressive Against Palestinians/Rev ersed Policies of Rabin
Important People: King Hussein King of Jordan King of Jordan Plays Important 3 rd Party Role in trying to have peace in Middle East Plays Important 3 rd Party Role in trying to have peace in Middle East Balances Arab Nationalism with Westernization Balances Arab Nationalism with Westernization
Important People: Jimmy Carter, Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton American Political Leaders who took a very active role in trying to establish peace in the Middle East. American Political Leaders who took a very active role in trying to establish peace in the Middle East.
Important Terms: Mandate Term for land formally controlled by the Ottoman Empire taken over by Great Britain after WWI. Term for land formally controlled by the Ottoman Empire taken over by Great Britain after WWI. Palestine was a British Mandate Palestine was a British Mandate
Important Terms: Palestine The name Palestine refers to a region of the eastern Mediterranean coast from the sea to the Jordan valley and from the southern Negev desert to the Galilee lake region in the north. Palestine is included between two lines drawn from the Mediterranean eastward—the lower from the southeast corner of the Mediterranean through the southern end of the Dead Sea, and the upper from Tyre to the southern foot of Mount Hermon. Palestine has certain natural boundaries to justify its historical individuality. Palestine embraces the current state of Israel and the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The name Palestine refers to a region of the eastern Mediterranean coast from the sea to the Jordan valley and from the southern Negev desert to the Galilee lake region in the north. Palestine is included between two lines drawn from the Mediterranean eastward—the lower from the southeast corner of the Mediterranean through the southern end of the Dead Sea, and the upper from Tyre to the southern foot of Mount Hermon. Palestine has certain natural boundaries to justify its historical individuality. Palestine embraces the current state of Israel and the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.Palestinian territoriesPalestinian territories “Biblical Holy Land” “Biblical Holy Land”
Important Terms: Partition To Divide To Divide Palestine was Divided into Jewish- Israel and Muslim-Jordan in 1947 by the British Palestine was Divided into Jewish- Israel and Muslim-Jordan in 1947 by the British
Important Term: Muslim Someone who follows the religion of Islam. Someone who follows the religion of Islam. Muslims Exist All Around the World. Muslims Exist All Around the World.
Important Term: Arab 1.a member of a Semitic people inhabiting Arabia and other countries of the Middle East. 1.a member of a Semitic people inhabiting Arabia and other countries of the Middle East. 2.a member of any Arabic-speaking people. 2.a member of any Arabic-speaking people. Live in Middle East Live in Middle East NOT ALWAYS MUSLIM, but MOSTLY MUSLIM NOT ALWAYS MUSLIM, but MOSTLY MUSLIM There were Arabs before Islam There were Arabs before Islam
Important Term: Palestinian Palestinian Arabs are terms used to refer to an Arabic-speaking people with family origins in Palestine. The overwhelming majority of uses of the term Palestinians today are in reference to the people, mainly Arabs, whose ancestors inhabited the Region of Palestine before Palestinian Arabs are terms used to refer to an Arabic-speaking people with family origins in Palestine. The overwhelming majority of uses of the term Palestinians today are in reference to the people, mainly Arabs, whose ancestors inhabited the Region of Palestine before 1918.ArabicpeoplePalestineArabicpeoplePalestine
Important Term: IDF Israeli Defense Forces Israeli Defense Forces Israel Military Israel Military Heavy funding from US Heavy funding from US
1948 War for Israeli Independence Shortly After Declaring Independence the Jewish State is attacked by: Shortly After Declaring Independence the Jewish State is attacked by: Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen vs. Israel Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen vs. Israel
Palestinians Refuse to Live with Jews Many Palestinians Leave and live has refugees in West Bank and Gaza which were controlled by Jordan and Egypt Many Palestinians Leave and live has refugees in West Bank and Gaza which were controlled by Jordan and Egypt
Results Israel wins and gains land. Israel wins and gains land. Palestinians live in refugee camps in Gaza and West Bank Palestinians live in refugee camps in Gaza and West Bank
1956 Sinai War/Suez Canal Crisis Nasser Nationalizes Suez Canal and does not allow Israelis to use. Nasser Nationalizes Suez Canal and does not allow Israelis to use. French and British convince Israel to attack French and British convince Israel to attack
Results Military Victory for Israel. Military Victory for Israel. Israel gains land including Sinai region of Egypt. Israel gains land including Sinai region of Egypt. Political victory for Nasser and political defeat for France and England Political victory for Nasser and political defeat for France and England Brings Middle East into Cold War Brings Middle East into Cold War
The Six Day War between Israel and Arab neighbors Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. The nations of Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Algeria also contributed troops and arms to the Arab forces. between Israel and Arab neighbors Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. The nations of Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Algeria also contributed troops and arms to the Arab forces.Israel ArabEgypt JordanSyriaIraq Saudi ArabiaKuwaitAlgeriaIsrael ArabEgypt JordanSyriaIraq Saudi ArabiaKuwaitAlgeria
Pre-Emptive War Israel launched a Pre-Emptive Strike to Start the war. Israel launched a Pre-Emptive Strike to Start the war. What does Pre-Emptive mean? What does Pre-Emptive mean?
Results of 6 Day War Israeli Military Victory Israeli Military Victory Israel Gains Territory Israel Gains Territory At the war's end, Israel had gained control of the Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, eastern Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights. The results of the war affect the geopolitics of the region to this day. At the war's end, Israel had gained control of the Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, eastern Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights. The results of the war affect the geopolitics of the region to this day.Sinai PeninsulaGaza Strip West Bankeastern Jerusalem Golan HeightsgeopoliticsSinai PeninsulaGaza Strip West Bankeastern Jerusalem Golan Heightsgeopolitics
Gaza and West Bank Palestinian Refugee Camps were Here. Palestinian Refugee Camps were Here. Palestinians left to these areas awaiting destruction of Israel Palestinians left to these areas awaiting destruction of Israel Now land was controlled by Israelis Now land was controlled by Israelis
Gaza and West Bank Palestinian Refugee Camps were Here. Palestinian Refugee Camps were Here. Palestinians left to these areas awaiting destruction of Israel Palestinians left to these areas awaiting destruction of Israel Now land was controlled by Israelis Now land was controlled by Israelis
Israeli Overconfidence After 6 Day War Israel was overconfident in military ability. After 6 Day War Israel was overconfident in military ability. Convinced Israeli Airforce was strong enough to stop any future attacks. Convinced Israeli Airforce was strong enough to stop any future attacks.
1973 Yom Kippur War Israel vs. Egypt, Syria, Iraq Israel vs. Egypt, Syria, Iraq Israel ignores military intelligence pointing to a October 1973 War Israel ignores military intelligence pointing to a October 1973 War
Egypt and Soviet SAM’s Soviets Supplied the Egyptians with most up to date Surface to Air Missiles. Soviets Supplied the Egyptians with most up to date Surface to Air Missiles. In first days of war they shot down many Israeli planes. In first days of war they shot down many Israeli planes.
Yom Kippur 1973 Holiest Day of Jewish Calendar. Holiest Day of Jewish Calendar. Nation is pretty much shut down as Jews are in Temple and Fasting Nation is pretty much shut down as Jews are in Temple and Fasting Egypt and Syria launch surprise strike. Egypt and Syria launch surprise strike. Egyptian SAM’s take out many Israeli Jets. Egyptian SAM’s take out many Israeli Jets.
Israel Counter-Attacks Massive re-supply from US Massive re-supply from US Change tactics Change tactics Take out Syria First Take out Syria First Take On Egypt Take On Egypt Biggest Tank Battle Ever Biggest Tank Battle Ever
US/Soviet Showdown As war Ends, Israel is destroying Egyptian Main army and making moves to take over capital of Cairo. As war Ends, Israel is destroying Egyptian Main army and making moves to take over capital of Cairo. USSR threatens to send in troops unless Israel accepts cease-fire USSR threatens to send in troops unless Israel accepts cease-fire US/Nixon raise alert level and threaten to send forces if Soviets get involved US/Nixon raise alert level and threaten to send forces if Soviets get involved Israel accepts cease-fire Israel accepts cease-fire
Results Israel Ultimately Gains Territory Israel Ultimately Gains Territory Cold War Showdown between US and USSR Cold War Showdown between US and USSR Egyptian leader Sadat wins major poliltical victory. Egyptian leader Sadat wins major poliltical victory. Sets stage for Egyptian/Israeli peace talks and ultimate Camp David Accords Sets stage for Egyptian/Israeli peace talks and ultimate Camp David Accords
Camp David Accords First Peace Treaty between Israel and Arab Country First Peace Treaty between Israel and Arab Country Israel gives land back to Egypt Israel gives land back to Egypt Peace between Egypt and Israel Peace between Egypt and Israel
Overall Results of the Arab-Israeli Conflict Israel Gains Land Israel Gains Land Camp David Accords Camp David Accords Middle East is part of Cold War Middle East is part of Cold War
Overall Results of Arab-Israeli Conflict Rise of PLO and Palestinian Terrorism in the Middle East Rise of PLO and Palestinian Terrorism in the Middle East Rise of Terrorist Groups Hamas and Hezbollah Rise of Terrorist Groups Hamas and Hezbollah Israel and Support of Israel is one of the main causes of Terrorism, Israel and Support of Israel is one of the main causes of Terrorism,
Overall Results Israel Occupies Gaza and West Bank where Palestinians moved to. Israel Occupies Gaza and West Bank where Palestinians moved to. Intifada-Palestinian Uprising against Israeli control Intifada-Palestinian Uprising against Israeli control 1990’s and in 2000’s