Ch 1. Self Awareness Assessment
Please answer in reflect your attitudes and behavior as they are now. Rating scale: 1. Strongly disagree. 2. Disagree. 3. Slightly disagree. 4. Slightly agree. 5. Agree. 6. Strongly agree. Self Awareness
Assessment: I seek information about my strengths and weakness from others as a basis for self improvement. When I receive negative feedback about myself from others, I do not get angry or defensive. Self Awareness
I am aware of my personal learning style and how I learn best. In order to improve, I am willing to be self disclosing to others (that is, to share my beliefs and feelings). I am aware of my personal learning style and how I learn best. Self Awareness
I have a good grasp of what it means to be emotionally mature, and I demonstrate that capability. I have a good sense of how I cope with situations that are ambiguous and uncertain. Self Awareness
I feel in charge of what happens to me, good and bad. I have well developed set of personal standards and principles that guide my behavior. I feel in charge of what happens to me, good and bad. Self Awareness
I seldom, If ever, feel angry, depressed, or anxious without knowing why. I am conscious of the areas in which conflict and friction most frequently arise in my interactions with others. Self Awareness
I have a close personal relationship with at least one other person with whom I can share personal information and personal feelings. Self Awareness
Please: 1. Read Chapter 1. 2. Download from: Self Awareness
A Hierarchy of Personal Life- Management Skills 1. Self awareness. 2. Setting priorities and goals. 3. Managing time. 4. Managing stress. Problems >>>>>>>Symptom Strategic >>>>>>>Tactical A Hierarchy of Personal Life- Management Skills Self Awareness
Important Areas of Self Awareness Five core aspects of self awareness (Figure 1.2. Page 64): - Emotional intelligence, (identifies emotional awareness and control). - Values, (identifies personal standards and moral judgment). - Learning style, (identifies information acquisition and evaluation). - Attitudes toward change, (identifies adaptability and responsibility) - Core self evaluation, (identifies underlying personality attributes) Important Areas of Self Awareness Self Awareness
Important Areas of Self Awareness (Emotional Intelligence) 1. The ability to diagnose and recognize your own emotions. 2. The ability to control your own emotions. 3. The ability to recognize and diagnose the emotions display by others. 4. The ability to respond appropriately by those emotional cues. Important Areas of Self Awareness (Emotional Intelligence) Self Awareness
Important Areas of Self Awareness (Values) - People especially are not aware that they hold some values as being more important than others. - The values are affected by such: -- nationalities, -- ethnic groups, -- industries, -- organizations. Important Areas of Self Awareness (Values) Self Awareness
Important Areas of Self Awareness (Values) Cultural values, Table 1.1. Page 67. Example: Value dimension is “Universalism” Explanation: “Societal rules and norms are valued.” Example countries: US, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden. “other people’s behavior is governed by universal standards such as: - do not lie - do not cheat - do not run a red light Important Areas of Self Awareness (Values) Self Awareness
Important Areas of Self Awareness (Learning Style) Each of us is constantly being exposed to an overwhelming amount of information. Learning style refers to the inclination each of us to perceive, interpret, and respond to information in a certain way. Learning style is based on two key dimensions: 1. The manner in which you gather information; 2. The way in which you evaluate and act on information. Important Areas of Self Awareness (Learning Style) Self Awareness
Important Areas of Self Awareness (Learning Style (continued)) One the main reasons we focus on learning style is: To be successful, everyone must be constantly learning. Important Areas of Self Awareness (Learning Style (continued)) Self Awareness
Important Areas of Self Awareness (Learning Style (continued)) Two dimensions of learning: 1. The information gathering information ** Concrete Experience (CE) (learn by tangible, concrete, sensual encounters). ** Abstract Conceptualization (AC) (learn when they encounter ideas and theories and then have a chance to think about them logically and analytically). Important Areas of Self Awareness (Learning Style (continued)) Self Awareness
Important Areas of Self Awareness (Learning Style (continued)) Two dimensions of learning: 2. The information response ** reflective observation (RO), (after encountering information, inclined to examine it from different perspectives). ** active experimentation (AE), (inclined to act immediately on the information they receive). Important Areas of Self Awareness (Learning Style (continued)) Self Awareness
Important Areas of Self Awareness (Attitudes Toward Change) Attitude toward change: 1. Tolerance of ambiguity, (the extent to which individuals are threatened by or have difficulty coping with situations that are ambiguous). 2. Locus of control, (attitude people develop regarding the extent to which they are in control of their own destinies). Important Areas of Self Awareness (Attitudes Toward Change) Self Awareness
Important Areas of Self Awareness (Core Self Evaluation) overall positive self regard (the extent to which people value themselves and feel proficient as individuals). Important Areas of Self Awareness (Core Self Evaluation) Self Awareness
Important Areas of Self Awareness (Core Self Evaluation) Homework: Answers in detail the questions no 1 – 4, Page 92-93. Important Areas of Self Awareness (Core Self Evaluation) Self Awareness