Driving Innovation Baskut Tuncak, EEB Annual Meeting, 18 Oct Image: D. Norman, T HE D ESIGN OF E VERYDAY T HINGS (2 nd ed. 2002)
Projected growth in “green chemistry” relative to overall chemical industry turnover (UNEP, Pike Research) Global Trends Baskut Tuncak, EEB Annual Meeting, 18 Oct. 2013
“….we also need to recognize that regulation can be a big driver of innovation. This is particularly the case in the environmental arena.” Peter Droell, Head of Unit, DG Research and Innovation REACH “Candidate List is a, if not the, driver for change at present” European Commission, 2012 REACH review Source: B. Tuncak, Driving Innovation (CIEL 2013) Stronger laws drive innovation Baskut Tuncak, EEB Annual Meeting, 18 Oct. 2013
Stronger laws at the global level Bilateral Approaches Opportunity and threat? E.g. TTIP, Korean FTAs Global Approach Baskut Tuncak, EEB Annual Meeting, 18 Oct “2020 goal and beyond” Implementation and expansion
Learn more All publications available at: Driving Innovationhttp://bit.ly/14MlqRq Paths to Global Chemical Safetyhttp://bit.ly/13NAL70 CIEL testimony on EU-US Trade Agreementhttp://bit.ly/19AWCiq Baskut Tuncak Baskut Tuncak, EEB Annual Meeting, 18 Oct. 2013