CRANE TIP OVER Date: May 12 th, 2011
INCIDENT A galloway was being pre-assembled to determine proper fit. It was then to be disassembled and sent underground. A crew had assembled a portion of the galloway, when it was determined that the top deck had to be removed in order to install the guides for the shaft sinking clam. The bolts were removed by workers from the basket of a Genie lift and the workers exercised caution and strategically removed all bolts to ensure safe positioning. 2
INCIDENT Once the bolts were removed, the columns were spread and the load was raised about 2'. At this point the men in the genie basket moved back to clear the crane's boom. The crane operator was signaled to swing left and when the load started to swing, the crane started to slowly tip over. The crane operator attempted to steady the crane by moving the load, however the crane continued to slowly tip over. The crane operator retreated to a safe location and the crane eventually toppled. 3
INCIDENT Additional information. The crane is rated for 8 tons. Top deck piece weights approximately 3 tons. Crane operator is licensed and men in genie boom are trained riggers. The unit had just returned from being serviced and certified. Left side stabilizer was found to be dry while right side stabilizer was lubricated. 4
Pictures 5
Pictures 11 Right Stabilizer Lubricated Left Stabilizer Dry
CAUSES The angle of boom was at 60 degrees and the second section of the boom was fully extended. Maximum lift at this distance and angle was 5,000 lbs. Load weighed approximately 6,600 lbs. Truck was positioned too far from the load. The boom was overextended. Possible malfunction of rear left stabilizer. 12
CORRECTIVE ACTION Work stopped. Truck sent for re- inspection and recertification before reuse. Rear stabilizers inspected for possible mechanical failure. Refresher training for all boom truck operators and lift supervisors. Updated pre-operational inspection reports to include inspection of boom components. Establish protocol for communication of lifting plans with workers. 13
Everyone Home Safely 14 We must be good at safety, we cannot rely on luck. Keep Your mind on the job, work smart, work safe. Remember someone's always waiting for you to come home.
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