Tillamook County, Oregon NSDI - Community Demonstration Project Presented by Commissioner Sue Cameron
Tillamook County
Land of Cheese, Trees and Ocean Breeze Tillamook County
The Cheese of Tillamook County n Dairy cows outnumber the human residents of Tillamook County. Over 140 dairies produce much of the milk processed by the Creamery. n In 1999, the Creamery brought in revenues of $199 million and is among the top five most popular tourist destinations in the state.
The Trees of Tillamook County n The Tillamook State Forest, BLM, Private and the Siuslaw National Forest cover 90% of the county in Douglas Fir, Western Cedar, Sitka Spruce, and other species. n Tillamook’s forests have provided Oregon and the nation with high grade timber since the turn of the century.
The Ocean Breeze of Tillamook County n The county’s beautiful beaches draw visitors from across the country. n Oregon’s strict land use laws ensure that the beaches remain open to everyone and unblemished by development.
Our Problems….. n None of the County’s major watersheds meets the clean water standards established by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. 1)Water Quality
Our Problems…. n Populations of four out of five anadramous salmonid species have dramatically decreased: –Coho and Chum Salmon, –Steelhead –Cutthroat Trout 2)Fish Habitat
Our Problems…. n Flooding has caused millions of dollars in property damage and massive environmental degradation n Flooding has also displaced residents. 3)Flood Damage
Our Problems…. n In 1983, the County’s per capita income was at 80% of the national average. By 1995, the County’s per capita income had decreased to 72% of the national average (about $18,000 per year). 4)Economic Development
What We Have Done n The Oregon Plan for Salmon & Watersheds n Comprehensive Conservation Management Plan n Tillamook County Flood Hazard Mitigation Plan n Tillamook County Comprehensive Plan
What We Have Done n Oregon Northwest State Forest Management Plan n Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) n Oregon’s Senate Bill 1010 n The President’s Forest Plan n The MEAD (Methane Energy & Agricultural Development) Project Plan
What We Hope to Achieve n Improved water quality n Enhanced fish habitat n Reduced environmental and economic damaged caused by flooding n Improved economic conditions throughout Tillamook County
How We Will Do It To meet the targets stated above, we will focus initially on the following strategies: n Strategy 1)Improve degraded roads. n Strategy 2)Restore riparian zones. n Strategy 3)Enhance in-stream conditions. n Strategy 4)Improve floodplain condition. n Strategy 5)Apply ‘state of the art’ technology and training.
Strategy #1: Improve Degraded Roads — Reduce Sediment risks from forest management roads. — Upgrade 1400 miles of forest roads on state and private lands by 2010.
Strategy #2: Restore Riparian Zones –Stabilize 200 miles of streambanks and improve riparian stream conditions. –Repair severely eroded stream banks and rehabilitate riparian areas to prevent erosion and sedimentation.
Strategy #3: Enhance In-Stream Conditions –Restore in-stream flow. –Install 90 bio-technical stream barbs to treat 18 miles of streambank. –Place hatchery carcasses in streams to increase stream productivity.
–Set and breach levees and develop structural flood mitigation projects to reduce the impacts and frequency of flood events. Reopen, unclog and maintain sloughs, modifying selected river segments where necessary. Strategy #4: Restore Wetland Areas
Strategy #5: Apply ‘State of the Art’ Technology –Develop and sustain Tillamook Bay Coastal Watershed Resource Center. –Develop Tillamook County Land Use Information System and Central GIS Repository. –Use Center to maintain a real time, interactive database of progress.
Strategy #5: Apply ‘State of the Art’ Technology n The Tillamook Coastal Watershed Resource Center will teach citizens and agency staff how to: –develop Watershed Assessments –apply GIS in environmental analysis n Economic development and environmental restoration efforts will be unified through the application of GIS technology.
Tillamook is a Venue for the Application of GIS n Watershed and Floodplain Restoration n Hazard Mitigation and Preparedness n Public and Educational Access to Information over Internet n Providing a “quick response” analysis of emerging technical and management issues.
Why GIS? n Transform county’s ability to manage information efficiently n Improve the ability of Tillamook to restore watershed health n Share info with many users across county n Improve service to citizens through improved efficiency and access to data
Community Mapping Demonstration Project n Supported by $102,000 Federal Grant n Focuses on developing: –Data Library at WRC –Internet Access to data –Decision-Support using GIS –Education and Economic Development
1999 realized saving of $50 million (90%) in flood damages compared to a similar flood in Flood n Families displaced n Homes & Businesses destroyed n 700 Dairy cows killed n $50 Million in Flood Damage 1999 Flood n Over 9 inches rain in 48hrs n Zero livestock loss n $3 Million in Flood Damage
Tillamook County, Oregon
Tillamook County, Oregon
Come Visit Us! Tillamook County GIS Tillamook County Land of cheese, trees, and ocean breeze!
Our Partners
Partners Federal President’s Council on Environmental Quality Vice President’s Office on National Partners for Reinventing Government Army Corps Of Engineers Bureau of Land Management Environmental Protection Agency Fed. Emergency Management Agency National Marine Fisheries Service Natural Resource Conservation Service Tillamook Bay National Estuary Project US Forest Service US Fish & Wildlife Service National Atmospheric and Oceanic Agency State Governor’s Office of Natural Resources Department of Agriculture Department of Environmental Quality Department of Forestry Oregon Economic Development Department Oregon Option Oregon Emergency Management Dept. Local City of Bay City, Garibadi, Tillamook County School Superintendents Economic Development Council OSU Extension Port of Garibaldi and Tillamook Soil and Water Conservation District State Representative Tillamook County Commissioners Business & Professional Groups Farm Bureau Hampton Resources Simpson Timber Small Woodlot Association Tillamook Chamber of Commerce Tillamook County Creamery Association Tillamook County Watershed Councils Tillamook Resources VLG Consulting Conservation Organizations American Rivers Central Coast Land Trust Oregon Trout Pacific Rivers Council Resource Conservation and Development Tillamook County Flood Control Group Wildlife Heritage Association Legislators Senator Ron Wyden Representative Darlene Hooley Representative Earl Blumenauer
Business & Professional Groups Farm Bureau Hampton Resources Simpson Timber Small Woodlot Association Tillamook Chamber of Commerce Tillamook County Creamery Association Tillamook County Watershed Councils Tillamook Resources VLG Consulting Conservation Organizations American Rivers Central Coast Land Trust Oregon Trout Pacific Rivers Council Resource Conservation and Development Tillamook County Flood Control Group Wildlife Heritage Association Legislators Senator Ron Wyden Representative Darlene Hooley Representative Earl Blumenauer