Planning the Sales Call Is a Must! Chapter 7 McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2007 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
7-3 Chapter 7
7-4 Main Topics The Tree of Business Life: Planning Strategic Customer Sales Planning–The Preapproach The Prospect’s Mental Steps Overview of the Selling Process 7 Chapter
7-5 The Tree of Business Life: Planning The Golden Rule Guided by The Golden Rule: Plan how to help people solve problems and fulfill needs. Plan every aspect of the sales call so you will be organized and prepared. Plan to present a specific solution to each prospect’s unique set of problems and needs. You will see that ethical service builds true relationships. I T C Ethical Service Builds T r u e Relationships T TT TTTT TTTT
7-6 What Is Success? Purpose Plan Success
7-7 A baseball coach might define success as having more wins than losses. Her or his boss might define success as winning the national championship or the World Series. How Do You Define Success?
7-8 You might define success as making an “A.” Or you might define success as just passing this course. How Do You Define Success?, cont…
7-9 A salesperson might define success as making the sales quota this year. Or he or she might define success as being the top salesperson in the company. How Do You Define Success?, cont…
7-10 What is success when calling on an individual customer? If your purpose, plan, and goal are centered on helping instead of selling, can you fail? How Do You Define Success?, cont…
7-11 What if your customer did not have a need? Did you fail? Yes or no? Can You “Not” Make a Sale and Still Be Successful?
7-12 What if your product would not help meet your customer’s needs? Did you fail? Yes or no? Can You “Not” Make a Sale and Still Be Successful?, cont…
7-13 There are reasons you may not make a sale, but there should never be a reason that you do not meet the “purpose” of your business meeting….Why? Can You “Not” Make a Sale and Still Be Successful?, cont…
7-14 Your purpose is to help someone! Can You “Not” Make a Sale and Still Be Successful?, cont…
7-15 Exhibit 7-1: Only Through Truth Can Trust Be Supported to Bridge the Gap Between People
7-16 Strategic Customer Sales Planning–The Preapproach Strategic problem solving involves: Strategic needs Creative solutions Mutually beneficial agreements
7-17 Exhibit 7-2: The Preapproach Involves Planning the Sales Presentation
7-18 Strategic Customer Sales Planning–The Preapproach, cont… Reasons for planning the sales call: Builds confidence Develops atmosphere of goodwill Reflects professionalism Generally increases sales
7-19 Exhibit 7-3: Consultative Selling–Customer Relationship Model
7-20 Exhibit 7-5: Steps in the Preapproach: Planning the Sale Determine sales call objective(s) Develop/Review customer profile Develop customer benefits Develop sales presentation
7-21 Always Have a Sales Call Objective The sales call objective is the main purpose of contact with a prospect or customer The exception is a survey call.
7-22 Exhibit 7-5: Steps in the Preapproach: Planning the Sale, cont…
7-23 Set an Objective for Every Call The pre-call objective – have one or more! Focus and flexibility: Focus your efforts on the objective when you are with the customer Be prepared to switch to another objective if needed Make the goal specific. Move customer conversation toward the objective. Set a SMART call objective.
7-24 SMART Call Objective pecific easurable chievable ealistic imed SS MM AA RR TT
7-25 Exhibit 7-5: Steps in the Preapproach: Planning the Sale, cont…
7-26 Customer Profile Provides Insight Review information to create customized presentation. See what your customer has done in the past to determine future needs. If you do not have customer profiles, get one for each customer.
7-27 Exhibit 7-6: Information Used in a Profile and for Planning
7-28 Exhibit 7-5: Steps in the Preapproach: Planning the Sale, cont…
7-29 Customer Benefit Plan: What It’s All About! Steps in creating the customer benefit plan: Step 1: Select FABs for product discussion Step 2: Select FABs for marketing plan discussion Step 3: Select FABs for business proposition discussion Step 4: Develop suggested purchase order based on first three steps
7-30 Exhibit 7-7: Examples of Topics Contained in the Marketing Plan Segment of Your Sales Presentation
7-31 Exhibit 7-8: Examples of Topics Contained in the Business Proposition Segment of Your Sales Presentation
7-32 Exhibit 7-5: Steps in the Preapproach: Planning the Sale, cont…
7-33 The Sales Presentation Is Where It All Comes Together Write out all FABs for steps 1 – 3. Write out suggested purchase order. Now you are ALMOST ready to create your sales presentation.
7-34 Exhibit 7-9: Major Phases in Your Presentation: A Sequence of Events to Complete in Developing a Sales Presentation Rapport-building Uncover needs Attention, interest, transition Features Advantages Benefits How to resell (for reseller) How to use (for consumer and industrials user) What’s in it for your customers? Recommend what to buy in order to fill the needs uncovered in the presentation Ask for the business! Do not give up! Act as a professional Leave the door open 1. Approach 2. Fully discuss your product 3. Present your Marketing 4. Explain your business proposition 5. Suggested purchase order 6. Close 7. Exit
7-35 What is Left in Creating Your Sales Presentation? As shown in Exhibit 7-8 you need to create your: Approach – covered in Chapter 10 Close – covered in Chapter 13
7-36 Before You Can Pick Your Approach You Must: Select which presentation method to use – covered in Chapter 9. Prepare for anticipated objections from your prospect/customer – covered in Chapter 12.
7-37 In Planning a Sales Presentation, You Should Consider: The prospect’s mental steps What would the prospect be thinking as you give your presentation? ? ? ? ? ?
7-38 Exhibit 7-10: The Prospect’s Five Mental Steps in Buying
7-39 How Do You Obtain Someone’s Attention When You Begin Your Presentation? Show you are there to help! The proper approach is important! (Chapter 10) Your goal is to determine a need or problem.
7-40 How Do You Keep Someone’s Interest in What You are Presenting? Show you are there to help! Quickly present major FABs that: Fulfill a need Solve a problem Show and tell as discussed in Chapter 11
7-41 How Do You Build Desire for Your Product? Show you are there to help! Using your trial closes, determine if prospect is interested in benefits. Watch for nonverbal signals! Green Yellow Red
7-42 How Do You Establish The Conviction Your Product Will Solve Needs or Problems? Show you are there to help! Let the customer see how your product’s FABs will solve her needs or problems. Your trial closes will reveal whether the customer ready to buy.
7-43 How Do You Know if Customer Ready to Purchase So You Can Close? Show you are there to help! Trial close response(s) give nonverbal signals that indicate positive beliefs that the product will fulfill needs or solve problems.
7-44 Overview of the Selling Process Getting the prospect’s attention and interest by having the prospect recognize a need or problem, and stating a wish to fulfill the need or solve the problem Uncovering and answering the prospect’s questions and revealing and meeting or overcoming objections results in more intense desire Desire is transformed into the conviction that your product can fulfill the prospect’s needs or solve problems.
7-45 Exhibit 7-11a: The Selling Process and Examples of Prospect’s Mental Thoughts and Questions
7-46 Exhibit 7-11b: The Selling Process and Examples of Prospect’s Mental Thoughts and Questions
7-47 Exhibit 7-11c: The Selling Process and Examples of Prospect’s Mental Thoughts and Questions
7-48 Summary of Major Selling Issues Careful planning of the sales call is essential to success in selling. Planning builds self-confidence, develops an atmosphere of goodwill, creates professionalism, and increases sales. Sales call planning: Have a sales call objective that is SMART Develop or review the customer profile Develop your customer benefit plan
End of Chapter 7 Chapter 7 McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2007 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.