VeriPRO ® 16 Nov, 2010
2 From Kevin Michael, PhD and Cindy Bloyer “Hearing Protector Attenuation Measurement on the End-User” 192 users of a flanged reusable earplug ~ 27 NRR Retraining and refitting resulted in an average 14 dB improvement for this group Real user attenuation <0 to 38 dB Attenuation in dB NRR = 27 Multiple-Use Earplug Real-World Attenuation ≠ NRR
“Attenuation provided by hearing protectors to individuals in actual workplace is impossible to predict using any laboratory measurements.” ~ Dr. Kevin Michael
Attenuation can be determined at threshold, or above threshold “ R eal- E ar A ttenuation at T hreshold” 30 dB “ R eal- E ar A ttenuation A bove T hreshold” 30 dB VeriPRO allows the user to measure attenuation without interference from background noise levels
Test Sequence Part 1: Both ears unoccluded This sets the baseline level for each ear, and measures any asymmetry. Part 2: Right ear occluded Attenuation for the right ear is measured. Part 3: Both ears occluded Attenuation for the left ear is measured. Result ~ Personal Attenuation Rating (PAR)
Complete Check ● 5 freqs in each ear ● Includes reliability checks ● ↑ accuracy, ↑ test time Quick Check ● 1 critical freq in each ear ● ↓ accuracy, ↓ test time ● Can use with severe hrg loss Report Mode ● Individual ● Historical ● By freq. Fit Training ● Videos
Headline Here ‘Other Earplug’ selectable from drop-down menu
11 No earplug Earplug inserted Adjust the left ear User name VeriPRO Step Lower slider bar Raise slider bar Test Freq.
12 No earplug Earplug inserted Adjust the left ear Lower slider bar range Raise slider bar range Adjust left ear volume
What’s New?Headline Here
Earplug size now captured and documented
Double Arrows Tutorial Bubbles Darker Text
Headline Here Name captured for training video
Headline Here Pause button for videos Male / Female models
Headline Here Fit Training now documented on report
VeriPRO Enterprise “Client” version of software has been configured to talk to “Enterprise” version of software Compatible with ‘VeriPRO Enterprise’
VeriPRO Enterprise 1. VeriPRO Testing From each location, VeriPRO sends data to web service 2. Data Storage Web service processes and delivers data to a server hosted by company 3. Reporting VeriPRO Administrators can create group reports on several criteria (location, test dates, earplug tested, etc.)
Enterprise Reports
26 1.Measures real-world attenuation of any earplug 2.Fulfills requirement to ‘ensure proper fitting’ of earplugs and evaluate their attenuation 3.On-screen training videos 4.Administered anywhere, quiet room not required 5.Protected exposure level and safe exposure level calculated
27 Four Internal Quality Checks Rove Movement 500 Hz Retest (Complete Check Only) 7 dB Attenuation -10 dB
33 VeriPRO Implementation 1.Annual employee training 2.New hires 3.Employees with shift in hearing 4.Extreme noise exposures (dual protection)
Q & A
35 “Will calibration of VeriPRO be available?” “Can custom- molded earplugs be used with VeriPRO?” “Do Howard Leight earplugs test better than others?” “How reliable is VeriPRO?” “Can workers with a hearing loss use VeriPRO?” “Why did I get a Low Attenuation warning?” “Why is 500 Hz tested twice?”
Hearing Cons. Program Most use VeriPRO to select and document earplugs for each worker.
Workers Tested Users focus on workers with STS, extreme noise exposures.
Earplug Selection Through fit testing, most workers now use a different earplug.
Real-World Studies
Field Testing with VeriPRO ● 8 locations - no pre-screening of workers ● 100 workers tested ● Casual test setting - HPD selected by worker - “insert as usual” - training feedback disabled
Published NRR
43 “How well can users predict their attenuation after a short fit-testing training session?" Pre and Post-Test Pilot Study
44 “How much noise do you think your earplugs block?” Pre and Post-Test Pilot Study Self-Efficacy 76% (13 of 17) judged attenuation as HIGHER post-test
45 Pilot Study Data show improved PARs! Results InitialRE=19 LE=22 Final RE=29 LE=27 Average improvement 7.5 dB
46 Are you better able to assess the effectiveness of your earplugs after VeriPRO fit-testing? No MaybeNo change Improved Yes Pre and Post-Test Pilot Study Post-Test 64% (11 of 17) rated their ability HIGHER post-test
47 Initial Ability Don't know how Not good I do OK Pretty good Expert Fitter Post-Test Ability Pretty good I do OK Expert I do OK Pretty good Expert Not good Pre and Post-Test Pilot Study
48 Pre and Post-Test Pilot Study Ability to Predict Noise Reduction Within 5 dB category +/- 7.5 dB (one Category off) +/ dB (2 categories off) Number of Ears (Each subject estimated atten. for each ear) 56% 32% 12%
Current NRR Label Mock-up of New Label