United States Government Chapter 10, Section 4
White Protestant Wealthy Over Age 40 Male Attorney or other well-educated job Prior elected service Recently the House has developed more diversity in membership than the Senate
241 Republicans 198 Democrats Average Age: 56.7 years Predominate Religion: Roman Catholic (132 Members) Average Service: 9.8 years 74 women 44 African Americans 26 Latinos/Latinas 167 hold Law Degrees
51 Democrats; 47 Republicans, 2 Independents Average age: 62.2 years Predominate Religion: Roman Catholic (24 Members) 17 Women 0 African Americans 2 Latinos 55 hold Law Degrees
Trustees: Vote on behalf of their constituents using their own logic, reasoning, and judgment to come to their decision. Delegates: Vote on issues in a way that is reflective of the will of their constituents.
Partisan: Incredibly loyal to their Party. Vote “party first.” Politico: Combination of Delegate, Trustee and Partisan. Vote & behave this way most of the time as they balance these three influences.
Committee assignments are assigned by the Leadership. They are reflective of the Member’s areas of seniority, expertise and interest Also influenced by the Member’s geographic location and any other important factors to the Leadership Most of the work done by a Member of Congress is in committee, NOT on the House or Senate floors.
They do NOT only do the work of the legislative body. They also investigate other important items/issues such as: Watergate scandal 9/11 Terrorist attacks Call witnesses to testify on such matters They also provide the oversight function over: the other branches of government governmental agencies, programs and other. also known as the “watchdog function”.
$174,000 annually, more for leadership. Does not include benefits, expenses, pension, etc. Does not include the Franking Privilege. Legislative immunity protects members from suits for libel or slander arising out of their official conduct