“Open Fellowship” Unrestrained, uncorrected fellowship Undermines Bible authority and compromises integrity of the church Yearning for unity and peace has led some to give lip service to 2 John 9-11 while opposing its application Bible is the basis for our fellowship and unity, Jno 17:20-21; Eph 4:3-4 2
F E L L O W S H I P God does not have fellowship with everyone who says they are in fellowship with Him, Matt 7: Jno 2:18-19 Why should we conclude we may have fellowship with any Christian regardless of their lifestyle and doctrines? 1 Cor 5:1-2 2 John 9 3
1 JOHN 1:3-4 Fellowship with others is based on mutual fellowship with God 4
Fellowship with God Depends on walking in the light, 1 Jno 1:5-7; Jno 14:23 –Must walk in the light to have fellowship with God, 1 John 1:7 Practicing truth = Walking in the light, 1:6-7 Not practicing truth = Not walking in the light –Therefore, the person who is not practicing the truth does not have fellowship with God –Such a one is lying if he says that he does, 1 John 1:6 5
Fellowship with God Depends on walking in the light, 1 Jno 1:6-7; Jno 14:23 –Knowing God is equivalent to having fellowship with God, John 10:27-28 If we keep His commandments – assured that we know Him, 1 Jno 2:3 Disobedient person does not know God because the truth is not in him, 1 Jno 2:4 –Therefore, the one who keeps the word of God loves God and has fellowship with God (is “in Him”), 1 Jno 2:5-6 6
Fellowship with God Commanded not to have fellowship with those who are not in fellowship with God, Eph 5:11; 2 Cor 6:14 –This shows that Bible fellowship is not social interaction, 1 Cor 5:9-10 –Bible fellowship is spiritual interaction (partnership, sharing together, agreement), Acts 2:42 Our fellowship cannot be more open or more restrictive than God’s fellowship 7
2 CORINTHIANS 6:14-16 F ELLOWSHIP : What, When and How 8
Bible Definitions (2 Cor 6:14-16) Fellowship is partnership, partaking, 6:14 Communion is sharing, 6:14 Accord is togetherness (harmony), 6:15 Part is having a portion, 6:15 Agreement is approval, put together, 6:16 9
When and How do we have Fellowship with Others? With the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, 1 Jno 1:3; 1 Cor 1:9; 2 Cor 13:14 –By obeying Christ, Jno 14:23; 15:4-8 –When we suffer for Christ we have fellowship with His sufferings, Phil 3:10 (1 Pet 4:13) 10
When and How do we have Fellowship with Others? Simultaneous spiritual work of preaching the truth, Gal 2:9 (partners) –Fellowship in preaching the truth, 2:5 –Conversely, do not have fellowship with those who do not teach the sound words of Christ, 1 Tim 6:3-5; 2 Jno Work with and endorse faithful teachers Do not work with teachers of error, Eph 5:11 No ecumenical councils, crusades, etc. 11
When and How do we have Fellowship with Others? Benevolent “contributions” –One church to another church, Rom 15:26-27 (2 Cor 8:4) –Churches: Relief of needy saints, 2 Cor 9:1 –Individuals: Sacrificial sharing with Christians, Heb 13:16 (Rom 12:13) By giving our contributions we have fellowship with the saints who are relieved If we share in unscriptural arrangements and/or recipients we also share in violating God’s will and forfeit our fellowship with God 12
When and How do we have Fellowship with Others? Financial support of a preacher, Phil 1:5; 4:15 –Sharing of student and teacher, Gal 6:6 We participate with the preacher(s) we choose to support This is why we will not support a preacher who teaches error, for to do so is to have fellowship with him in error, 2 John
When and How do we have Fellowship with Others? Worship and work of the local church, Acts 2:41-42 –Lord’s Supper is communion, 1 Cor 10:16 Worshipping with a church is fellowship Identify yourself with and participate in the work of a faithful church (Acts 9:26-28) If a church is violating the Scriptures and you worship with it, you are having fellowship with those in error, 2 Jno (Eph 5:11) 14
When and How do we have Fellowship with Others? Sharing of faith through acts of love, Philemon 5-7 Fellowship with the apostles by belief and obedience, 1 Jno 1:3-4 If, by our conduct, we condone, endorse and approve of others in their sin we are in fellowship with sin, 1 Tim 5:22 (2 Jno 10-11) 15
Fellowship: God’s and Ours God is vigilant of His fellowship –It is not “open” (without boundaries) –It is well defined by His word of truth, Matt 7:21, 23 We must be vigilant of our fellowship because it affects our souls –Have no fellowship with sin (the world), Eph 5:11 –Have fellowship with God and the people of God, 1 Jno 1:3; 2 Jno 9 16