PersonWhat is this person famous for? Jim BridgerHe was a famous mountain guide. - Justin David BeckhamHe was a soccer superstar. - Justin Ruby BridgesFamous for having to fight through segregation as a little girl - Clayton SacagaweaFamous for leading Lewis and Clark on their journey west - Clayton David BeckhamFamous soccer player - Brandon Douglas MacArthurWanted to be a soldier when he was a child. Grew up to be brave leader in World War 1. Nick W. Billy the KidFamous outlaw – Nick W. Bob MarleyFamous singer – Sam Beyonce KnowlesFamous singer - Sam Roberto ClementeFamous baseball player – Sam Famous also for the charity work he did in his home country Eve BuntingFamous author - Peyton Connor DaytonFamous for car racing - Peyton Helen KellerShe was blind and deaf and she became really smart – Dylan Jesse OwensWon gold medals in the summer Olympics - Dylan
PersonWhat is this person famous for? Drake Bell and Josh PeckAfter the Amanda show drake and josh were asked to be on a comedy. - Alex Vanessa HudgensShe is known for singing and being in movies. - Alex Roy LichtensteinHe was famous for his big comic art work - Julia L. Frank BawnHe was famous for writing “The Wizard of Oz” - Julia Anne Frankhe was famous for having a dairy full of a Jews point of view of trying to run away from the Nazis - Kelsey Betsy Rossshe was famous for making the first American Flag – Kelsey Thomas Jeffersonfor writing a Declaration of Independence from England - Kaori Roy Llichtensteinthe leading figure in a new motion called Pop art - Kaori Taylor SwiftShe is famous for being a pop country singer. - Nikki Selena GomezShe is famous for being a well known pop singer and actress. - Nikki Sally Ridefirst woman and youngest American to go into space - Miranda R.L. StineAuthor - Miranda Sheryl SwoopsSheryl was a determined little girl who wanted to change the rule of girls can’t play with the boys - Marley
PersonWhat is this person famous for? Mae JemisonThe first African American woman to travel to space. - Marley SacajaweaInterrupter for Lewis and Clark though the mountains - Grace Jackie MitchellThe strike out queen against Babe Ruth, famous for playing baseball - Grace Amelia EarheartWas the first woman to fly in a airplane - Mia Neil ArmstrongWas the first man to go on the moon - Mia Martin Luther King J.RWas famous for his speech I had a dream where he wanted to end segregation - Mia