1 Toastmasters’ Educational and Leadership Program Prepared by: OLIVER COZBY, DTM ”Success with a Personal Touch”
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program2 Toastmasters’ Educational and Leadership Program Communication Track Communication Track Leadership Track Leadership Track
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program3 Competent Toastmaster (CTM) The Ice Breaker Organize Your Speech Get to the Point How to Say It Your Body Speaks Vocal Variety Research Your Topic Get Comfortable with Visual Aids Persuade with Power Inspire Your Audience
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program4 Communication Track Advanced Toastmaster - BronzeAdvanced Toastmaster - BronzeAdvanced Toastmaster - BronzeAdvanced Toastmaster - Bronze Advanced Toastmaster - SilverAdvanced Toastmaster - SilverAdvanced Toastmaster - SilverAdvanced Toastmaster - Silver Advanced Toastmaster - GoldAdvanced Toastmaster - GoldAdvanced Toastmaster - GoldAdvanced Toastmaster - Gold
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program5 Advanced Toastmaster Bronze (ATM-B) Achieve Competent Toastmaster awardCompetent Toastmaster Complete two Advanced Communication and Leadership manualsAdvanced Communication and Leadership
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program6 Advanced Toastmaster Silver (ATM-S) Achieve Advanced Toastmaster - BronzeAdvanced Toastmaster - Bronze Complete two Advanced Communication and Leadership manualsAdvanced Communication and Leadership Conduct any two programs from The Better Speaker Series and/or The Successful Club SeriesThe Better Speaker SeriesThe Successful Club Series
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program7 Advanced Toastmaster Gold (ATM-G) Achieve Advanced Toastmaster - SilverAdvanced Toastmaster - Silver Complete two Advanced Communication and Leadership manualsAdvanced Communication and Leadership Conduct any Success Leadership Program, Success Communication ProgramSuccess Leadership Program, Success Communication Program Coach a new member with the first three speech projects
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program8 Advanced Communication and Leadership Manuals The Entertaining Speaker Speaking to Inform Public Relations The Discussion Leader Specialty Speeches Speeches by Management The Professional Speaker Persuasive Speaking Technical Presentations Persuasive Speaking Communication on Television Storytelling Interpretive Reading Interpersonal Communications Special Occasion Speeches Humorously Speaking
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program9 The Better Speaker Series Beginning Your Speech Concluding Your Speech Impromptu Speaking Selecting Your Topic Take the Terror Out of the Talk Know Your Audience Organizing Your Speech Creating an Introduction Preparation and Practice Using Body Language
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program10 The Successful Club Series Mentoring Keeping the Commitment Going Beyond Our Club How to be a Distinguished Club The Toastmasters Educational Program The Moments of Truth Finding New Members for Your Club Evaluate to Motivate Closing the Sale Creating The Best Club Climate Meeting Roles and Responsibilities
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program11 The Leadership Excellence Series Resolving Conflict Service and Leadership The Leader as Coach Values and Leadership The Visionary Leader Building a Team Delegate to Empower Developing a Mission Giving Effective Feedback Goal Setting and Planning Motivating People
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program12 Success Leadership Programs LeadershipLeadership –Part 1: Characteristics of Effective Leaders –Part 2: Developing Your Leadership Skills –Part 3: Working in the Team Environment Parliamentary Procedure in Action Parliamentary Procedure in Action How to Conduct Productive Meetings How to Conduct Productive Meetings Improving Your Management Skills Improving Your Management Skills
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program13 Success Communication Programs Building Your Thinking PowerBuilding Your Thinking Power –Part 1 - Mental Flexibility –Part 2 - The Power of Ideas From Speaker to TrainerFrom Speaker to Trainer Speechcraft Speechcraft How to Listening Effectively How to Listening Effectively The Art of Effective Evaluations The Art of Effective Evaluations Youth Leadership Program Youth Leadership Program
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program14 Leadership Track Competent LeaderCompetent LeaderCompetent LeaderCompetent Leader Advanced LeaderAdvanced LeaderAdvanced LeaderAdvanced Leader
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program15 Competent Leader (CL) Achieve Competent ToastmasterCompetent Toastmaster Serve at least six months as a club officerclub officer Participate in a district-sponsored club officer training program, while serving as a club officer Participate in the preparation of a Club Success PlanClub Success Plan Conduct any two programs from The Successful Club Series or The Leadership Excellence SeriesThe Successful Club SeriesThe Leadership Excellence Series
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program16 Club Officers President Vice President Education Vice President Membership Vice President Public Relations Secretary Treasurer Sergeant at Arms
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program17 New Club Success Plan Based on 10 Goals 2 CTM’s 2 More CTM’s 1 ATMs 1 More ATM’s 1 CL/AL/DTM 1 More CL/AL/DTM 4 New Members 4 More New Members 4 Trained Officers each Six Months Semi-Annual and Officers’ List on Time
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program18 New Club Success Plan Based on 10 Goals Goals - Distinguished Goals - Select Distinguished Goals - Presidential Must have 20 members or a net growth of 5 members. Make
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program19 Advanced Leader (AL) Achieve Competent LeaderCompetent Leader Serve a complete term as a District OfficerDistrict Officer Serve successfully as a Club Sponsor, Mentor, or CoachClub Sponsor, Mentor, or Coach Complete the High Performance Leadership ProgramHigh Performance Leadership Program
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program20 District Officers District Governor Lt. Governor Education & Training Lt. Governor Marketing Public Relations Officer Secretary Treasurer Division Governor Area Governor
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program21 Sponsor, Mentor, and Coach Club Sponsor starts a new club –Must have name on charter Club Mentor helps a new club –Appointed by District Governor –Must have name on charter Club Coach works with a club to become a Distinguished Club –Appointed by District Governor
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program22 High Performance Leadership Program The High Performance Leadership manual walks you through the project’s different phases, providing study material and activities to complete. As you progress you will learn about: –The need for leadership, the six dimensions of leadership, your current leadership skills and becoming a more effective leader. –Developing a vision and a mission. –Building a team and creating an action plan. –Helping the team accomplish its mission and dealing with setbacks. –Analyzing efforts.
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program23 Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) Complete Communication track –ATM - Bronze ATM - BronzeATM - Bronze –ATM - Silver ATM - SilverATM - Silver –ATM - Gold ATM - GoldATM - Gold Complete Leadership track –Competent Leader Competent LeaderCompetent Leader –Advanced Leader Advanced LeaderAdvanced Leader
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program24 The Entertaining Speaker This manual includes valuable information on how to give an entertaining or dramatic speech, where to find material, how to make an audience laugh, and what to do when you're asked to speak after dinner. 1. The Entertaining Speech (5-7) 2. Resources for Entertainment (8-10) 3. Make Them Laugh (8-10) 4. A Dramatic Talk (10-12) 5. Speaking After Dinner (13-15)
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program25 Speaking to Inform The projects in this manual will help you give informative and interesting speeches. Topics covered include the demonstration talk, the fact-finding report, the abstract concept and resources for informing. 1. The Speech to Inform (5-7) 2. Resources for Informing (8-10) 3. The Demonstration Talk (10-12) 4. A Fact-Finding Report (10-12) 5. The Abstract Concept (10-12)
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program26 Public Relations This complete guide to preparing and delivering the public relations speech will help you develop resources and techniques, "speak under fire," and handle the media talk. 1. The Public Relations Speech (5-7) 2. Resources for Goodwill (8-10) 3. The Persuasive Approach (8-10) 4. Speaking Under Fire ( Q&A) 5. The Media Speech (8 30sec )
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program27 The Discussion Leader This manual offers guidance in presenting workshop and conference presentations. Role-playing and problem-solving sessions are also covered. This manual is a must for managers, trainers, teachers and administrators. 1. The Seminar Solution (20-30) 2. The Round Robin (20-30) 3. Pilot A Panel (30-40) 4. Make It Make Believe (Role Play) (20-30) 5. The Workshop Leader (30-40)
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program28 Specialty Speeches Speakers must be able to speak in many situations and this manual will help. Types of speeches covered include impromptu speeches, sales presentations, introductions, inspirational speeches, and oral interpretations. 1. Speak Off The Cuff (5-7) 2. Uplift The Spirit (8-10) 3. Sell A Product (10-12) 4. Read Out Loud (12-15) 5. Introduce The Speaker (Duration of Meeting)
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program29 Storytelling Everyone loves a story. Types of stories covered in this manual include the folk tale, the personal story, stories with morals, the touching story, and the historical story. 1. The Folk Tale (7-9) 2. Let’s Get Personal (6-8) 3. The Moral of the Story (4-6) 4. The Touching Story (6-8) 5. Bringing History to Life (7-9)
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program30 Speeches by Management This manual will help you successfully handle a variety of speaking situations managers encounter in their work environment. Subjects covered include briefings, technical speeches, motivational talks and confrontations. 1. The Briefing ( Q&A) 2. The Technical Speech (8-10) 3. Manage and Motivate (10-12) 4. The Status Report (10-12) 5. Confrontation: The Adversary Relationship ( Q&A)
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program31 The Professional Speaker This manual is a complete guide to becoming a professional speaker. Subjects covered include speaking as a company representative and speaking for pay. 1. The Keynote Address (15-20) 2. Speaking to Entertain (20-40) 3. The Sales Training Speech (15-20) 4. The Professional Seminar (15-20) 5. The Motivational Speech (15-20)
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program32 Persuasive Speaking The ability to influence and persuade others to accept your ideas, products, or services is vital.The projects in this manual are all designed to help you develop excellent persuasive techniques and expand your presentation skills. 1. The Effective Salesperson 2. Conquering the “Cold Call” 3. The Winning Proposal 4. Addressing the Opposition 5. The Persuasive Leader
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program33 Technical Presentations The projects in this manual will help you prepare and present briefings, proposals, technical papers and technical team presentations. 1. The Technical Briefing (8-10) 2. The Proposal (8-10) 3. The Non-technical Audience (10-12) 4. Presenting a Technical Paper (10-12) 5. The Team Technical Presentation (20-30)
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program34 Communication on Television Television presentations differ from other presentations, and they require special considerations. With this manual you'll learn to present editorials, appear as a guest on a "talk" show, conduct a press conference, and use television to train. 1. Straight Talk (3 30sec ) 2. The Talk Show (10 30sec ) 3. When You`re the Host (10 30sec ) 4. The Press Conference ( Q&A) 5. Training On Television ( video playback)
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program35 Interpretive Reading This manual will help you develop your interpretive reading skills. The projects include presenting stories, poetry, mono dramas, plays and oratorical speeches. 1. Read A Story (8-10) 2. Interpreting Poetry (6-8) 3. The Monodrama (5-7) 4. The Play (12-15) 5. The Oratorical Speech (10-12)
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program36 Interpersonal Communications Topics covered include conversing with ease, negotiating, handling criticism, coaching someone to improved performance, and expressing dissatisfaction effectively. 1. Conversing with Ease (10-14) 2. The Successful Negotiator (10-14) 3. Diffusing Verbal Criticism (10-14) 4. The Coach (10-14) 5. Asserting Yourself Effectively (10-14)
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program37 Special Occasion Speeches Provides instruction in giving toasts, speaking in praise, "roasting" someone, and presenting and accepting awards. 1. Mastering the Toast (2-3) 2. Speaking in Praise (5-7) 3. The Roast (3-5) 4. Presenting an Award (3-4) 5. Accepting an Award (5-7)
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program38 Humorously Speaking Humorously Speaking is the newest manual and is entirely devoted to speaking in a humorous way. Topics included are warming up the audience, leave them with a smile, make them laugh, keep them laughing, and the humorous speech. 1. Warm Up Your Audience (5-7) 2. Leave Them With A Smile (5-7) 3. Make Them Laugh (5-7) 4. Keep Them Laughing (5-7) 5. The Humorous Speech (5-7)
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program39 President To have every meeting start and finish on time To have every member give only manual speeches Promotes quality meetings Makes opportunities for everyone to grow
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program40 Vice President - Education Plans dynamic meetings Promotes the educational programs Submits forms for recognition of members educational and leadership achievements
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program41 Vice President - Membership Increases member satisfaction Conducts Club membership program
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program42 Vice President - Public Relations Produces club newsletter Prepares publicity material
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program43 Secretary Maintains membership roster Records meeting minutes Prepares reports to International Maintains general Club correspondence
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program44 Treasurer Notify members in writing of dues payable Collects dues Maintain bank account and report to club its status Pay bills promptly
Last viewed slideNext slide Educational and Leadership Program45 Sergeant at Arms Arranges room and equipment for each meeting Greets guest and members at each meeting Maintains all Club equipment and materials