Toastmasters Resources and YOU! Rick Danzey, DTM International Director
Objectives The Toastmasters organization. The Toastmasters Education Program. The Accredited Speaker Program. The Club Coach, Sponsor and Mentor Programs. The Member Mentor role. At the end of the program, the attendees will have knowledge of:
Toastmasters Organization Clubs District Governor Intl. President Intl. Director Division Governor Division Governor Area Governor Area Governor Area Governor Area Governor World HQ Staff
Competent Toastmaster Education Program New Member Competent Leader Advanced Leader Advanced Toastmaster Bronze Advanced Toastmaster Silver Advanced Toastmaster Gold Distinguished Toastmaster Communication Leadership
Advanced Communication and Leadership Manuals The Entertaining Speaker Speaking to InformPublic Relations The Discussion Leader Specialty SpeechesSpeeches by Management The Professional Speaker Technical Presentations Persuasive Speaking Communicating on Television StorytellingInterpretive Reading Interpersonal Communications Special Occasion Speeches Humorously Speaking
Additional Programs The Better Speaker Series The Successful Club Series Success/Leadership Success/Communication Youth Leadership Program High Performance Leadership
Accredited Speaker Greater opportunity to grow as a public speaker Recognition as an accomplished speaker who has attained the height of excellence in public speaking. An opportunity to expand your speaking expertise. Potential speaking career.
Accredited Speaker (cont) Eligibility –Able or Advanced Toastmaster + –Minimum 25 speaking engagements outside of the Toastmaster Club within the past 3 years. –Five letters of appreciation –Application and fees –Current International Directors are not eligible.
Club Coach, Sponsor, and Mentor Club Coach –Facilitates the growth of challenged clubs to Distinguished Sponsor –Facilitates the creation of new clubs Mentor –Assists new clubs through their first six months of existence.
Member Mentor Assigned when member joins club –Club duties –Answers questions and beyond Assists new member through their first three speeches – and beyond. Choose a mentor to assist you by the talents you want to develop and those they possess.
Conclusion Toastmasters organization. TI Education Program. Accredited Speaker Program. Club Coach, Sponsor and Mentor Programs. Member Mentor role. We have covered the following: