Bible Study The Ten Commandments: You Shall Not Bear False Witness June 28, 2011 Freedom Temple A.M.E. Church 900 Church Street Baltimore, MD Phone: (410) Fax: (410) Rev. Dr. Frances “Toni” Draper, Pastor
You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbor You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbor - Exodus 20:16 Adam and Eve - Genesis 2:15-17; Genesis 3:2-3 Who is my neighbor? – Luke 10:25-37
You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbor Love your enemies! – Luke 6:27-37 The Lord’s anointed -1 Samuel 24:4-10 Cain and Abel - Genesis 4:3-11
You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbor Who is your father? – John 8:42-44 Bear one another’s burdens. – Galatians 6:1-3; Luke 11:5-8 When your brother sins against you. – Matthew 18:15
You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbor What was meant for evil, God meant for good. – Genesis 50:15-21 Should Christians sue each other? – I Corinthians 6:5-11 Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. – I Corinthians 6:15-20
You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbor The man with two sons. – Matthew 21:28 The Lord looks at the heart. – I Samuel 16:7 You justify yourself. – Luke 16:15
You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbor Every idle word. – Matthew 12:35-37 Sarah laughed. – Genesis 18:10-15 Isaac blesses Jacob - Genesis 27:18-24 Jacob meets Rachel - Genesis 29:18-25
You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbor David set Uriah in the forefront – II Samuel 11:15 – Ananias and Sapphira – Acts 5:1-11
You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbor We Bear False Witness if: – We doubt who He is - Luke 23:32-43 – We don’t believe - I John 5:10; Hebrews 11:6 – We say we have no sin - I John 1:8-10