St. Valentines Day 14th February


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Its that time again. Time to buy little valentines with messages like Be mine and You are tops. Its time for all the nifty candy to come out. But most.

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St.Valentine’s Day Valentine's Day is a day to express love to anyone you find special and dear. The idea of the holiday is to celebrate love, get love.
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Every February we celebrate Valentine's Day by giving flowers, candies and cards to those we love. We do this in honor of Saint Valentine.
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St. Valentine’s Day is celebrated  On the 14 th of February.
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Valentine’s Day !!!. Every February, candy, flowers, and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine. The history of Valentine's.
Saint Valentine’s Day St. Valentine’s Day is celebrated in many countries of the world on February 14.
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Saint Valentine’s Day is on the 14th of February. It is the traditional day of lovers.
LOVE! HAPPINESS! BEAUTY! L O V E M E … Boys, girls, sweethearts, lovers, husbands, wives, friends, neighbours, office- staff exchange greetings.
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St Valentine’s day. St Valentine's Day St Valentine's Day. Is a sentimental unofficial holiday, which is celebrated on the 14th February by those who.
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My Valentine..
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День Святого Валентина
St. Valentine’s Day, February 14,
Saint Valentine was a priest who lived a long, long time ago in Rome.
Presentation transcript:

St. Valentines Day 14th February On Valentine’s day people send cards or give flowers or chocolates to the person they love. Usually, a Valentine’s card is not signed by the person who sends it, so the person who receives it has to guess who it is from. ( Longman Essential Activator)

Vocabulary Saint Valentine - patron of lovers, he was a Christian priest in the past. cupid – 1) Roman god of love; beautiful boy with wings and a bow and arrows 2) symbol of love valentine – letter, card sent on St Valentine’s day card – piece of stiff paper or thin cardboard for greetings / also postcard heart – centre of the emotions, especially love sweetheart – either of a pair of lovers arrow – thin pointed stick to be shot from a bow bow – piece of wood curved by a tight string, used for shooting arrows gift – something given ( compare birthday and Christmas present) romance – love story

I'll be your sweetheart, if you will be mine, All of my life I‘ Il be your Valentine: It's here again, the day when boys and girls, sweethearts and lovers, husbands and wives, friends and neighbours, and even the office staff will exchange greetings of affection, undying love or satirical comment. And the quick, slick, modern way to do it is with a Valentine card

Do You Know That ? St. Valentine’s Day is celebrated as a festival of romance and affection. St. Valentine’s Day is not a public but a religious holiday, schools, banks, shops are open as usual. All the decorations are bright red, the most popular ones are heart-shaped. Red is the colour most often used in valentines because it’s a symbol of warmth and feelings. The symbol of Valentine’s Day is a cupid with arrows and a bow. People often organise romantic parties with candles, romantic music, games, dances.

From the History of the Holiday St. Valentine's Day has roots in several different legends. Three hundred years after the death of Jesus Christ Valentine, a Christian priest, was thrown in prison for his teachings. On February 14, Valentine was beheaded*, not only because he was a Christian, but also because he performed a miracle*. He cured* the jailer's* daughter of her blindness. The night before he was executed*, he wrote the jailer's daughter a farewell letter, signing it "From Your Valentine." Another legend tells us that Valentine, received notes to his prison from children and friends who missed him. Another Valentine was an Italian bishop* who lived at about the same time, AD 200. He was imprisoned because he secretly married couples, contrary to the laws of the Roman emperor. Some legends say he was burned.. February 14 was also a Roman holiday. It was held in honor* of a goddess. Young men chose the name of a young girl to escort to the festivities. The custom of choosing a sweetheart on this date spread through the countries. People also believed that birds picked their mates on February 14! In AD 496 Saint Pope Gelasius I named February 14 as "Valentine's Day". Although it's not an official holiday, a lot of people observe this day. was beheaded – был обезглавлен; a miracle – чудо; cured – вылечил; jailer – тюремщик; was executed – был казнен; bishop – епископ; in honor - в честь

Check Out What kind of holiday is 14th February? What is the symbol of the holiday? What is the most popular colour of the celebration? Why? What is used as the decoration of the valentines, houses? When was 14th February named Valentines Day? What three legends show us the roots of Valentine’s Day?

AND I LOVE HER By BEATLES I give her … … … … … I do. And if …. … … … You'd … … … I love her. She … … … And tenderly. … … my lover brings And I love her. … … like ours Could … … As long as … … … … … . Bright are … … … …. , Dark is … … , I know … … … … Will … … Listen to the song of the Beatles and fill in the missing words.

I give her all my love That's all I do. And if you saw my love You'd love her too. I love her. She gives me everything And tenderly. The kiss my lover brings She brings to me And I love her. A love like ours Could never die As long as I have you near me. Bright are the stars that shine, Dark is the sky, I know this love of mine Will never die

FORTUNE-TELLING VALENTINE IS FIRST PERSON SEEN If you are single, your future destiny ___ (influence) greatly by the first unmarried person you meet outside the house on Valentine's Day COCK AND HEN ON ST. VALENTINEТS MORNING In the early morning of the day young women look through the keyhole of the house door. If a single object, or person ___ (see), they would go alone all that year. If two or more ___ (see), they would be sure to have a sweetheart, but if a cock and a hen ____(see), they will marry before the year is out. ST.VALENTINEТS EVE Your suitors' names ___ (write) upon bits of paper, then the bits of paper ___ (roll up) in clay, and ___ (put) into water: the first to rise up will be your Valentine. THE DREAM OF YOUR SWEETHEART Two bay leaves ___ (take),___ (sprinkle) with rose water; the evening of this day, ___ (lay) across under the pillow, a clean shift ___ (put on) when you go to bed , and ___ (turn) wrong side outwards; and lying down, say: Good Valentine, be kind to me, In dreams let me my true love see. So crossing your legs, go to sleep - you will see the party you are to marry in a dream.

This is the example of love letter This is the example of love letter. Complete the letter with the modal verbs Dear Rodney, You ___ imagine how much I love you. You are never out of my thoughts. I simply ___ see you again. Please, please, please write back. I probably ___ let you see how unhappy I am not to hear from you, but nothing ___ change my mind about how much I love you. I sent you another letter last week. I ___ understand why you haven’t answered. I suppose you are surprised to hear how madly in love with you I am but there’s nothing to worry. We really ___ be apart like this. Perhaps you think I ___ move to Scotland to live with you. Rodney, darling, you only ___ to say the word and I’ll come to you. Your Alison P.S. I’ve sent you a little present!

This is the example of love letter This is the example of love letter. Complete the letter with the modal verbs Dear Rodney, You can’t imagine how much I love you. You are never out of my thoughts. I simply must see you again. Please, please, please write back. I probably shouldn’t let you see how unhappy I am not to hear from you, but nothing can change my mind about how much I love you. I sent you another letter last week. I can’t understand why you haven’t answered. I suppose you are surprised to hear how madly in love with you I am but there’s nothing to worry. We really shouldn’t be apart like this. Perhaps you think I must move to Scotland to live with you. Rodney, darling, you only have to to say the word and I’ll come to you. Your Alison P.S. I’ve sent you a little present!

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Check Out Homework Invent an unusual person and imagine you are that person at a party Name: Katrin Zeta Jones From: Hollywood Job: actress Interests: travelling, cooking

Showing surprise and asking for repetition Really? I’m sorry? No! I don’t believe it. You’re joking. You don’t say so!

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With best wishes and love Nadezhda Valentinovna