Introduction This Website is developed for Sending Online Greeting Cards. Greeting cards can be used for almost all occasions, only thing that you should select the right card, appropriate color, design or picture along with the printed message or your own handwritten massage, which will reveal your affection. As Greeting cards are for many reasons, occasions and hence there are many types of Greeting Cards available on this Website.E-greetings can be as simple or creative as you like With the continually growing popularity of the Internet and the advancements made in technology, it makes perfect sense that e-greeting cards have become a usual way to keeping in touch with Loving Ones.
Features The Greetings card is an esthetic looking packing of your feelings. The Greeting card had been transformed from a relatively expensive, handmade and hand-delivered gift to a popular and affordable means of personal communication. Many service businesses also send cards to their customers, usually with a universally acceptable non-religious message such as "happy holidays" or "seasons' greetings. Greeting cards can be used for almost all occasions. User can send his favorite single or multiple E-Card to single or multiple peoples. This E-card Software is a time saving option. User can also view Information about Festivals & Occasions.
Modules 1. Anniversary Card 2. Birthday Card 3. New Year Card 4. Flower Card 5. Sorry Card 6. Best Wishes Card 7. Good Luck Card 8. Get well Card 9. Thank You Card 10. Christmas Card 11. Congratulations Card 12. Diwali Card 13. Valentines Day Card 14. Mothers Day Card 15. Fathers Day Card & Many More…….
E-Card Search Search option is specially designed for User, By which User can easily search their favourite E-card as per their expectations. Types Of E-Cards :- Simple. Animated. Musical etc. Festivals Occasional
Typically an E-Card sender chooses from an on-line catalog of E-Cards made available on a web site. After selecting a card, the sender can personalize it to various degrees by adding a Message, Photo. Finally the sender specifies the recipient's address and The web site delivers an message to the recipient on behalf of the sender. A free greeting E-Card is an inexpensive way to send a warm message to someone you care about. You can get a free greeting E-Card for just about any occasion whether it be for a Birthday, Sympathy, Friendship etc. Send E-Card
User can select his/her favorite Card from online catalog which is available on this website, this is very different feature of this website because user can select multiple E-Card at a time & send them to other, User can select multiple E-Cards with the help of Check Box as per following steps. Click on Check Box to select multiple cards Preview of that card Choose Date to send E-Cards Send multiple Cards Steps to Send E-Cards
Information About Festivals This Web sites offers information about upcoming festivals, as well as information about various occasions is available as prescribed on this website. These Festivals are persevered throughout the year over different parts of the Country. So, lets engross ourselves with these festive season such as New Year E-Cards, Baisakhi E- Cards etc and spread its beauty with our free and religious collection of E-Cards. Send free online greeting E-Cards to your friends and loved ones. All E-Cards are absolutely FREE!
Feedback In this Module User can send feedback. Admin can view all feedbacks & do needful changes. This Feedback is new look of our E-Card sending program.
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