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Secession means to leave a union. Secession means to leave a union. When the South secedes, the North declares war to bring the South back When the South secedes, the North declares war to bring the South back Into the Union. Into the Union. Slide 5
North vs. South in 1861 NorthSouth Advantages?? Disadvantages?? Slide 6
- population - 22 million (3X the South) - Industries could make far more weapons - efficient railroad system - controlled the navy, which was used to blockade ships coming in to the South. This disrupted the South’s ability to make money.- Ulysses S. Grant became the main general and his Strategy was to cut the South off at the Mississippi River so they couldn’t communicate with Their whole army. Slide 7
Confederates had excellent generals too - Robert E. Lee was the best probably ever Confederates had excellent generals too - Robert E. Lee was the best probably ever Home advantage Home advantage Farmers fight better than factory workers Farmers fight better than factory workers Their strategy was to wear down the North and Their strategy was to wear down the North and outlast them in the fight. They thought the North would outlast them in the fight. They thought the North would give up and lose interest in keeping them in the Union. in the Union. Slide 8
Robert E. Lee He named his horse Traveller. He named his horse Traveller. He said, “ I don ’ t see how we could have an army without music. ” Lee owned a pet hen. The hen went with him everywhere. At Gettysburg, he had his Generals help him find his lost hen. He said, “ I don ’ t see how we could have an army without music. ” Lee owned a pet hen. The hen went with him everywhere. At Gettysburg, he had his Generals help him find his lost hen. Picture Credit: civil%20war%20gallery.htm Slide 9
Rating the North & the South Slide 10
The South was looking to have Great Britain help them in the war (since GB industry was dependent on "King Cotton")...but GB did not want to become involved: The South was looking to have Great Britain help them in the war (since GB industry was dependent on "King Cotton")...but GB did not want to become involved: GB had stockpiled cotton as the conflict was escalating; they had also found other sources (Madras, India) GB had stockpiled cotton as the conflict was escalating; they had also found other sources (Madras, India) Most British workers who lost their jobs in cotton factories had been able to find work in the new weapons factories that were mostly being sold to the North Most British workers who lost their jobs in cotton factories had been able to find work in the new weapons factories that were mostly being sold to the North Most British citizens hated slavery Most British citizens hated slavery British crop failures had led to increased grain trade w/ the North British crop failures had led to increased grain trade w/ the North Slide 11
Ulysses S. Grant Grant was the commander of the Union (North) army in the Civil War. Grant was the commander of the Union (North) army in the Civil War. He was in the war with Mexico. He was in the war with Mexico. He went to college at West Point like Robert E. Lee. He went to college at West Point like Robert E. Lee. Becomes President later Becomes President later Slide 12
First Battle was at Bull Run: Picnicking at the Battle Ground People carried picnic baskets and champagne People carried picnic baskets and champagne Brought binoculars to view the action more closely Brought binoculars to view the action more closely Believed the battle would not last long Believed the battle would not last long No doubt that the Northern army would easily overpower the Rebels No doubt that the Northern army would easily overpower the Rebels Slide 13
Overview of the North’s Civil War Strategy: “Anaconda” Plan: Split the Confederate off at the Mississippi River Overview of the North’s Civil War Strategy: “Anaconda” Plan: Split the Confederate off at the Mississippi River Slide 14
Buy Your Way Out of Military Service Copnscription meant that A young man could buy his way Out of serving in the military If their family owned 20 slaves or If they paid $300 This made people say: The Civil War was a Rich Man’s War but a Poor Man’s fight.” Slide 15
Battle of Antietam “Bloodiest Single Day of the War” 23,000 casualties September 17, 1862 Slide 16
Antietam The Battle took place in Farmer Miller ’ s cornfield. The Battle took place in Farmer Miller ’ s cornfield. The battle is known as the Single bloodiest day in the Civil War. The battle is known as the Single bloodiest day in the Civil War. 23,500 men were killed in the Bloody lane. 23,500 men were killed in the Bloody lane. The name of the bridge where the confederates held the Yankees for 4 hours is called, Burnside. The name of the bridge where the confederates held the Yankees for 4 hours is called, Burnside. The south used rocks when they ran out of ammunition. The south used rocks when they ran out of ammunition. South won the battle. South won the battle. Picture Credit: Slide 17
Lincoln proclaims that slaves are free in the South. Lincoln proclaims that slaves are free in the South. It did not free slaves in border states because It did not free slaves in border states because Lincoln said he Lincoln said he Did not have the authority, but really he was trying to get the border states to Did not have the authority, but really he was trying to get the border states to Join him in the fight Join him in the fight Slide 18
The Emancipation Proclamation
Emancipation in 1863
Robert E. Lee realizes his side (South) was in real trouble of losing the war and he decided that it was important to attack the North on its own territory July 1-3, BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG, PA Confed. bombardment; Union held firm on July 3, General Pickett led 15,000 Confed. Troops across open fields - Union mowed them down (= "Pickett’s Charge") Lee was defeated and retreated to Virgnia Gettysburg is the largest battle in the history of the USA Over 100, 000 people died in 3 days It was the last time the South invaded the North. Slide 19
…”that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”. …”that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”. Abe Lincoln Abe Lincoln Slide 21
During the Gettysburg Address, Lincoln spoke of “ the great task remaining before us. ” During the Gettysburg address Lincoln Was honoring those that died and Inspiring those still fighting Slide 22
The Battle at The Battle at Vicksburg Vicksburg Was a victory for Was a victory for The North and cut The North and cut The Mississippi The Mississippi River in half so the South couldn’t communicate River in half so the South couldn’t communicate Slide 24
July 4, another Union victory - VICKSBURG July 4, another Union victory - VICKSBURG won by U.S. Grant, cut South in 1/2 and gave the Union control of Mississippi River won by U.S. Grant, cut South in 1/2 and gave the Union control of Mississippi River Grant was then given control of all Union armies began a "scorched earth" policy to defeat the South Grant was then given control of all Union armies began a "scorched earth" policy to defeat the South General Sheridan decimated Va.'s Shenandoah Valley General Sheridan decimated Va.'s Shenandoah Valley General Sherman given task of taking Atlanta; his "March through Georgia" saw total destruction from Atlanta to Savannah General Sherman given task of taking Atlanta; his "March through Georgia" saw total destruction from Atlanta to Savannah
After the Emancipation Proclamation blacks began to join the Union Army After the Emancipation Proclamation blacks began to join the Union Army Initially they were only used for manual labor Initially they were only used for manual labor Eventually, Blacks saw live combat Eventually, Blacks saw live combat 54 th regiment out of Massachusetts 54 th regiment out of Massachusetts William Carney Slide 26
The Famous 54 th Massachusetts Slide 27
Black Troops Freeing Slaves
African-Americans in Civil War Battles
Surrender at Appomattox April 9, 1865 Slide 32
April 3, Grant took Richmond Va. - final blow to Lee's army April 3, Grant took Richmond Va. - final blow to Lee's army Lee surrenders on April 9, 1865 at APPOMATTOX COURTHOUSE Lee surrenders on April 9, 1865 at APPOMATTOX COURTHOUSE All Confed. troops forced to take an oath of loyalty to U.S. All Confed. troops forced to take an oath of loyalty to U.S. otherwise, terms of surrender were lenient otherwise, terms of surrender were lenient Lincoln didn't want a humiliated South and further conflict Lincoln didn't want a humiliated South and further conflict issue of states' rights now "solved"- fed. gov't had asserted its status issue of states' rights now "solved"- fed. gov't had asserted its status
Belle Boyd She was a Southern spy that told Jackson that the Yankees were at Front Royal. She was a Southern spy that told Jackson that the Yankees were at Front Royal. Women mostly kept the homefront jobs going while men were away Women mostly kept the homefront jobs going while men were away Picture Credit: boydbio.htm
After four bloody years of civil war, the South was defeated.
Over 618,000 military deaths during Civil War.
Gettysburg Casualties
Civil War Casualties in Comparison to Other Wars