April 26, 2004 Saskatchewan Seed Potatoes Only Settle for the Best! Connie Achtymichuk Manager SSPGA
April 26, 2004 Welcome to Saskatchewan 49,600,000 acres of cultivated farmland 51% of Canada’s total farmland only 13,500 acres in potatoes Roughly half of that is seed Rest is tablestock – no processing in province Excellent isolation Long rotations Seed is our highest profile potato sector
April 26, 2004
Saskatchewan Potato Production
April 26, 2004
Irrigation 73,000 acres under irrigation in SK additional 160,000 acres with potential to develop irrigation Lake Diefenbaker area 80% of our total potato acreage is irrigated
April 26, 2004 Advantages Superior quality Isolation from other commercial growers Long rotations Long harsh winters with little snow cover reduces pest and culls from over wintering Northern Vigor TM
April 26, 2004 Northern Vigor = Superior Plant Vigor
April 26, 2004 Northern Vigor = Superior Yields
April 26, 2004 Northern Vigor = Superior Storage
April 26, 2004 Innovative Research Research support from the University of Saskatchewan & Canada-Saskatchewan Irrigation Diversification Centre Work with new growers Address industry concerns New variety development AC Peregrine
April 26, 2004 Saskatchewan Seed Potato Growers Association Created to promote the interests of Saskatchewan seed potato producers Publish annual seed potato directory Help interested buyers locate seed growers Over 95% of SK seed potato growers belong to SSPGA www3.sk.sympatico.ca/sspga
April 26, 2004 Saskatchewan Seed Potato Growers Association 30 seed potato growers in the province Grow reds, russets, yellows Main seed markets are Manitoba, Maritimes and the Pacific Northwest Provide late blight and aphid monitoring to our growers Stage grower seminars on recent research, marketing and quality control