Overview Of Critical Thinking Results Presented to COB faculty on October 21, 2011
Loop 1: Cornell Critical Thinking Test Level Z College level test of CT skills Our results suggest that the students frustrated by the test and lost interest before finishing To close Loop 1 we adopted CCT Level X
Loop 2: CTT Level X
How we compared on Level X SOURCERaw scorePercentage COB mean % Lower Div. UG % Grad Students % Based on 76 questions, Cornell does not offer data from upper division undergrads. Results suggest that the students were engaged in the test and performed in an expected range.
Sub-scores within Level X Sample StatisticsTotalInductionDeductionObservationCredibilityAssumptions Average 69.5%67.6%73.5%59.0% 62.2% s.d. 11.0%13.0%17.3%14.6% 20.3% High score 92.1%96.0%100.0%91.7% 100.0% Low score 26.3%20.0%20.8%12.5% 10.0%
Sub-scores indicate: Our students are OK (relatively speaking) in the domain of classic logic, but… The ability to make observations and judge the credibility of sources is the primary weakness The ability to make assumptions based on presented facts is also a weakness
Looking forward WE NEED YOUR HELP!! How do we improve our students’ CT skills? What curriculum changes should we incorporate?