George W. Bush
2000 Election Gore vs. Bush 3 rd party cut into the votes of the major parties Florida recounts Electoral college vs popular vote Supreme Court decided
No Child Left Behind Education policy Test all students in math and English from 3 rd to 8 th grade.
9/11 Attack by Al-Qaeda 4 targets – WTC, Pentagon, White House? Greatest loss of life since Pearl Harbor
US Patriot Act Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Deter and punish terrorist acts in the US Expand law enforcement powers
Financial Crisis Speculation in the housing market Mortgages and loans to people who could not afford them. Growth of globalization Foreclosures Threat of bank failures
Hurricane Katrina Levee failure in Louisiana Failure of Louisiana government response
War on Terror Defeat terrorists- Bin Laden and Al-Zarqwai Defend US citizens and interests in the world Defeat terrorist organizations
Kyoto Protocol Opposed World Initiative to cut pollution Would have cost US money and jobs
War in Iraq Saddam Hussein refuses to allow UN inspectors in to Iraq to search for weapons of mass destruction. US invades Airstrikes and then land invasion Hussein captured, tried and executed US continued to fight against Hussein supporters
Barak Obama
2008 Election 1 st African American President
Affordable Care Act Healthcare bill Everyone is required to have healthcare
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Economic stimulus to create jobs, promote investment, and increase spending. A fix for the economic crisis
Global War on Terror Secret mission into Pakistan to get Osama Bin Laden.