Designing Communication Objectives Supporting Language Acquisition and Global Competencies
OUSD Mission Statement “The Orange Unified School District, being committed to planning for continual improvement, will offer a learning environment of excellence, with high expectations, to provide each student with the opportunity to be able to compete in the global economy.”
Communication Objectives Defined A communication objective specifies how students will communicate their understanding of the content of a lesson. A communication objective includes: A communication task : How students will communicate their learning(describe, explain, etc.) The grammar/usage and/or academic vocabulary appropriate to fulfilling the communication task. Why is writing communication objectives important? To build a foundation for college and career readiness students must have ample opportunities to take part in a variety of rich, structured conversations. Common Core, ELA standards pg. 22
Designing Communication Objectives Graphic Organizer
Designing Communication Objectives 1.Identify a content standard for the lesson. 2.Write a content objective based on the standard. 3.Analyze the content objective to determine which communication task, grammar/usage and/or academic vocabulary students will need in order to communicate their understanding of the lesson content in a clear, coherent way. 4.Create a communication objective that includes the communication task, grammar/usage, and/or the academic vocabulary.
Communication Objective Examples: Students will describe the length of an object using numbers and academic vocabulary. Using sequencing words and past tense verbs, students will summarize a story. “The _________ I have identified in the _________ communication objective is _________. “ taskvocabularygrammar
Communication Objective Sample Frames: Using sequencing words and past tense verbs, students will summarize a story. Frames: Students will communicate by using (academic vocabulary)/(grammar/usage) in order to (task). Students will (task) by (grammar/usage) using (academic vocabulary). Communicating in (grammar/usage), students will (task) using (academic vocabulary).
2nd Grade Math Example Content Standard: Common Core Math Standards Measurement & Data: 2.MD.1 Measure the length of an object by selecting and using appropriate tools such as rulers, yardsticks, meter sticks and measuring tapes. Content Objective: Students will measure the length of an object.
2nd Grade Math Example Content Objective: Students will measure the length of an object. Communication Objective (with content) : Students will describe the length of different classroom objects using numbers and academic vocabulary. Communication Objective (without content) : Students will describe the length of an object using numbers and academic vocabulary. “The style of communication objective I prefer is _________.” “My rationale for my preference is _________.” content withwithoutclaritycontext
3rd Grade ELA Example Content Standard: Common Core ELA Standards Key Ideas and Details: RL.3.2. Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures; determine the central message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is conveyed through key details in the text. Content Objective: Students will recount Lon Po Po using key details from the text. “A communication task that would be appropriate for this content is _________.” “My justification for my thinking is _________.” explaincitedescribe
3rd Grade ELA Example Content Objective: Students will recount Lon Po Po using key details from the text. Communication Objective (with content): Using sequencing words and past tense verbs, students will summarize Lon Po Po. Or Communication Objective (without content): Using sequencing words and past tense verbs, students will summarize a story.
Designing Communication Objectives Graphic Organizer
Designing Communication Objectives: 1.Identify a content standard for the lesson. 2.Write a content objective based on the standard. 3.Analyze the content objective to determine which communication task, grammar/usage and/or academic vocabulary students will need in order to communicate their understanding of the lesson content in a clear, coherent way. 4.Create a communication objective that includes the communication task, grammar/usage, and/or the academic vocabulary.
Creating Communication Objectives 2 nd Grade Standard: RI.2.2. Identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text. Content Objective: Students will identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph text. 3rd Grade Standard: RL.3.3. Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events. Content Objective: Students will describe how a character’s actions contribute to the sequence of events. 3 rd Grade Standard: 3.G.2. Partition shapes into equal areas. Express the area of each part as a unit fraction of the whole. Content Objective: Students will divide a circle into equal areas each expressed as a unit fraction of the whole. Choose one of the content objectives above and write a communication objective.
Communication Objectives Tuning Protocol 1.Individuals or partners present Communication Objectives. 2.Audience asks “Clarifying Questions.” 3.Audience provides “Warm Feedback.” During this time, the person presenting does not interact with the person giving feedback, they simply listen. 4.Audience provides “Cool Feedback.” During this time, the person presenting does not interact with the person giving feedback, they simply listen. 5.Audience suggests “Next Steps.” 6.Individual or partners reflect on feedback. 7.Repeat process until all individuals or partners have shared.
Clarifying “A clarifying question I have is _________.” “I am not clear about _________.” Warm “I liked the way _________.” “One aspect I liked _________.” Cool “You might consider_________.” “Have you thought about _________. “ I am wondering if _________.” Tuning Protocol Response Frames