© OnCourse Learning Chapter 22 : Fair Housing, ADA, Equal Credit, and Community Reinvestment
U.S. Constitution Fifth Amendment Thirteenth Amendment Fourteenth Amendment © OnCourse Learning CONSTITUTIONAL IMPACT ON OWNERSHIP OF REAL PROPERTY
Civil Rights Act of 1866 Fair Housing Act, officially known as Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 © OnCourse Learning FAIR HOUSING LAWS
Race Color Religion Sex National Origin Handicap Familial Status © OnCourse Learning FAIR HOUSING
1.Single-family houses owned by private individuals when: a real estate broker or other person in the business of selling or renting dwellings is used, and/or Discriminatory advertising is used. 2.Single-family houses not owned by private individuals. 3.Single-family houses owned by a private individual who owns more than three such houses or who, in any two-year period, sells more than one in which the individual was not the most recent resident. 4.Multifamily dwellings of five or more units. 5.Multifamily dwellings containing four or fewer units, if the owner does not reside in one of the units. © OnCourse Learning HOUSING COVERED
Race Color Religion National origin Sex Fair Housing 1. Family status 2. Handicap Equal Credit Opportunity Act 1. Public assistance 2. Age 3. Marital status Protected Classes © OnCourse Learning
Refusing to sell or rent to, deal, or negotiate with any person. Discriminating in the terms or conditions for buying or renting housing. Discriminating by advertising that housing is available only to persons of a certain race, color, religion, sex or national origin, those who are not handicapped, or adults only. ILLEGAL ACTS © OnCourse Learning
Denying or making different terms or conditions for home loans by commercial lenders. Denying to anyone the use or participation in any real estate services, such as brokers’ organizations, multiple listing services, or other facilities related to the selling or renting of housing. Steering or block-busting. ILLEGAL ACTS (CONTINUED) © OnCourse Learning
Steering The illegal practice of directing home seekers to particular neighborhoods. © OnCourse Learning
Block Busting The illegal practice of inducing panic selling in a neighborhood for financial gain. © OnCourse Learning
ADA Deals primarily with commercial property. Provides access requirements and prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT © OnCourse Learning
Originally passed to provide for equal credit for borrowers by making it unlawful to discriminate against an applicant for credit based on sex or marital status Prohibits discrimination in any credit transaction based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age (not including minors), receipt of income from a public assistance program, and the good faith exercise of rights under the ECOA. Equal Credit Opportunity Act © OnCourse Learning
Expands the concept that needs of community must be addressed. Institution must post CRA notice in lobby. COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT ACT © OnCourse Learning
Key Terms ADA Block busting CRA ECOA Familial status Handicapped Protected class Steering Tester © OnCourse Learning