Little Duckling’s Big Problem By TMCE Guys Read Illustrations by Microsoft Corporation
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“Come on, my sweet little ducklings, it’s time to head to the pond!” The little ducklings followed their mom down to the bank. “OK. Hop in. Be safe, my little darlings.”
All of the ducklings run and jump and flap their wings as they splash into the water. All except one. Little Duckling dipped his toe in the water. “Brr. That’s cold. Swimming just isn’t for me.” Little Duckling sat and watched as his brothers and sisters splashed and played in the pond.
That night at dinner, Papa Duck said, “Listen all my precious ducklings. In three days, we will swim across the lake to our summer nest. Practice your swimming so you are ready for our long journey.”
The next day, all the ducklings gathered at the water’s edge. “What should we do today?” asked Tiny Duckling. “How about we explore the meadow?” said Little Duckling. Micro Duckling said, “No! Let’s have a race on the lake!” All the ducklings thought this was a good idea. All except one.
The ducklings lined up along the shore. “Let’s race to that log sticking out of the water,” said Wittle Duckling. Little Duckling lined up with them on the shore. “I will run next to you!” “Go!” shouted Small Duckling. They all paddled off. Little Duckling tripped and stumbled along.
“I’m the winner!” cheered Micro Duckling. All of the other ducklings cheered. All except one. Little Duckling was still way down the shore.
The next day, all the ducklings gathered again at the water’s edge. “What should we do today?” asked Wittle Duckling. “Let’s go enjoy the animals and flowers of the forest!” suggested Little Duckling. Midget Duckling said, “No! Let’s go to the waterfall and have a water fight!” All the ducklings thought this was a good idea. All except one.
Little Duckling’s brothers and sisters swam over to the waterfall. Little Duckling watched from the shore, wishing they would come over a little closer. He could hear their splashing and delighted screaming.
On the third day, all the ducklings gathered again at the water’s edge. “What should we do today?” asked Small Duckling. “Let’s go for a nice picnic and then watch the sunset!” suggested Little Duckling. “Maybe we should have a diving contest! See who can reach the bottom!” said Tiny Duckling. All the ducklings thought this was a good idea. All except one.
The ducklings take turns taking a deep breath and swimming down toward the bottom. On the side, Little Duckling tried to get their attention. “Hey! Hey! Look how high I can hop, guys!” But no one was paying attention to him. They all had their tails in the air.
The next day was moving day. Mama and Papa Duck led the ducklings along the shore. Little Duckling followed along on the bank.
“Here is where we cross the lake, little ones,” said Papa Duck. He led the way past a large rock and out into the big water. Little Duckling hopped on top of the rock.
“Hey, guys! What about me? I can’t swim out there.” “Come along, Little Duckling,” said Mama Duck. “But I don’t swim!” cried Little Duckling.
Mama and Papa Duck looked at each other. Then they turned the family around and headed back. “We’ll go back today, Little Duckling, but if you can’t swim by tomorrow, we’ll have to leave without you,” said Papa Duck.
That night, Little Duckling’s brothers and sisters huddled up in the corner. “What are we going to do about Little Duckling?” asked Tiny Duckling. “We don’t want him to be left behind!” “We could ask Mama or Papa to carry him on their back,” said Small Duckling. “What about a piece of wood for him to float on?” offered Micro Duckling.
“Maybe we should build him a whole boat!” said Wittle Duckling. “Yeah!” said all the Ducklings. Then they got to work.
As the sun rose, Little Duckling looked out over the lake. He hadn’t slept a wink. He felt sick to his stomach. “What am I going to do? They’re going to leave me behind.”
Then his brothers and sisters all barged in. “Little Duckling! Get up! We have a surprise for you!”
They led Little Duckling down to the water. “We made a boat for you. So you can float along with us!” Little Duckling cried tears of joy. He wouldn’t be left behind after all!
Then Mama Duck and Papa Duck and all of the ducklings swam off on their journey across the lake. All except one. Little Duckling floated in his own little boat.