Review Color yán sè yán sè 颜 色 颜 色
hēi s è 黑 色 b á i s è 白 色 hu á n ɡ s è 黄 色 l á n s è 蓝 色 h ó n ɡ s è 红 色 z ǐ s è 紫 色 j ú s è 橘 色 l ǜ s è 绿 色 fěn h ó n ɡ s è 粉 红 色
Measure word 1. used for people and many others 2. used for books 3. used for something you can hold 4. used for something with a flat surface 5. used for money/ something like a brick 6. used for something like a small stick 7. used for things in pairs 8. used for vehicles. 9. used for glass/cups 10 used for bottles 11. used for hats and caps 12. used for clothes or dresses 13. used for pants and shorts
Useful shopping phrase 1. Can I help you? 2. Greet somebody politely 3. Just look around 4. I’d like to buy … 5. How much is … 6. Too expensive 7. A little cheap please 8. Here’s your change 9. What color of … do you like? 10. Would you like to go shopping with me tomorrow?
KITE The first aerocraft in the worldaerocraft fēn ɡ zhēn ɡ 风 筝
History The kite was first invented and popularized approximately 2,800 years ago in China, where materials ideal for kite building were readily available: silk fabric for sail material, fine, high-tensile- strength silk for flying line, and resilient bamboo for a strong, lightweight framework. Alternatively, kite author Clive Hart and kite expert Tal Streeter hold that kites existed far before that time.
lǔ bān 鲁 班 (507BC---444BC) lǔ bān 鲁 班 is considered to be the first and greatest architect in China
mù yuān 木 鸢 ɡ ōn ɡ shū zǐ xuē zhú mù yǐ wéi què 公 输 子 削 竹 木 以 为 鹊 chén ɡ ér fēi zhī sān rì bù xià 成 而 飞 之 , 三 日 不 下 ---- mò zǐ 《墨 子》
The Qingming Festival is also a good time for kite flying. Some folklorists hold that one of the main reasons ancient people invented kites was to commemorate deceased family members and friends. That's why they would fly kites on the Qingming Festival, a day ancient people believed the gate of hell would throw open, to send their greetings to their deceased loved ones via the kite.
Video: Weifang Musuem Musuem Located in central Shandong Peninsula, the City of Weifang has a long history. As early as more than 7,000 years ago, there were people settling down in the area. The Weifang World Kite Museum is the first large-scale kite museum in China. Modeled after a dragon-headed centipede, a common type of kite in Weifang, the museum has an assembled porcelain giant dragon as its roof ridge and the roof is covered with peacock blue glazed tiles. The building is just like a dragon flying in the sky. The museum is dedicated to collecting and displaying kite treasures of all times and all countries as well as kite-related cultural relics and materials. In the exhibition rooms covering a total of 2,000 square meters, a lot of things are on display, including the history, types, innovations of kites, the Weifang International Kite Festival, friendly exchanges in the kite circle, the profile of Weifang and so on.
Type of Kites Weifang Dragon Kite
Dragon Head and scolopendrid kite Flying Characteristics: Thick in color Big in size Strong in contrast
Nantong Kite Nantong Whistle Kite Flying
Characteristics: Various in color Exquisite in shape Complex in design Let’s enjoy Guo’s Kite in Nantong jiān ɡ nán 江 南
Fighter kites are kites that are used for the sport of kite fighting. Countries where kite fighting is particularly well-known include Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Korea, and Guyana. Most fighter kites are small unstable single line flat kites. Tension in the line will cause the kite to deform into a shape that allows the kite to track in a straight path, so to control the kite, the flier will release line until the nose of the kite is pointed in the direction that the flier wants the kite to go, and then they will pull in line to make the kite track. Fighting Kite in India Fighting Kite in China
Two or more kites are flown. Competitors try to capture their opponents kite and bring it to the ground. The person or team who succeeds is the winner. Expert kite fighters are able to cut their opponents line (munja) and then encircle the trailing line (lubjow) of the cut kite. Once secured, the winner can then fly both kites and pull in the prize. Those not involved in the kite flying can be "kite runners" (Once a kite is cut, it no longer belongs to anyone until caught and claimed by the kite runner. The film The Kite Runner depicts this well. Many children die every year because their pursuit is so frenzied that they run into the path of vehicles or fall off roofs. Along with this effect, occasionally the fiber glass string may cut not only the flier's finger, but also neck. The glass on the string is said to give the kite "cutting teeth". 1. Video of Afghanistan Kite fighting 2. Afghanistan: Artistry In The Air -- Kite Flying Is Taken To New Heights 3. Afghanistan Kiteflying Cultural Project
Let’s make kites